Russian Military History Society

Russian Military History Society


an organization of military historians formed for the purpose of studying the military past of Russia, systematizing archives, erecting and restoring monuments, carrying out archaeological digs on battlefields, and organizing museums and libraries.

The Russian Military History Society was founded on Aug. 27, 1907, in St. Petersburg; by 1913 it had more than 2,800 members and associates. The society was headed by a council (chairman, General D. A. Skalon; assistant chairman, A. Z. Myshlaevskii, and from 1912, N. P. Mikhnevich; with ten members, including the secretary, D. P. Strukov, and the treasurer, A. K. Baiov). It published the monthly Zhurnal imperatorskogo Russkogo voenno-istoricheskogo obshchestva (Journal of the Imperial Russian Military History Society), Trudy (Transactions), and Zapiski razriada voennoi arkheologii i arkheografii (Proceedings of the Detachment of Military Archaeology and Archaeography). In the military districts and in certain cities there were also local divisions of the society, and they published their own Trudy and collections. Extensive work was done in military history research and in the publishing of documents. The society halted its activities at the outbreak of World War I.