Russian Gulch State Park
Russian Gulch State Park
Location:2 miles north of Mendocino on Highway 1.
Facilities:30 developed family campsites with showers and restrooms (é),group camp with recreation hall (é), horsemen's camp (primitive),picnic areas, hiking trails, paved bicycle trail, horseback trail.
Activities:Camping, fishing, swimming, scuba diving, hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding, interpretive programs.
Special Features:Park is known for the heavily forested Russian Gulch Creek Canyon, aheadland that features the Devil's Punch Bowl, a large, collapsed seacave with churning water that gives the appearance of a boilingcauldron. Inland, the park has a 36-foot-high waterfall.
Address:c/o Mendocino District Office
PO Box 440
Mendocino, CA 95460
Size: 1,305 acres.
See other parks in California.