super aspirin

A popular term for the next generation of analgesics—e.g., Cox-2 inhibitors (Vioxx and Celebrex)—and antiplatelet GP IIb/IIIa receptor antagonists—e.g., orbofiban, sibrafiban, xemilofiban—which reduce inflammation and pain. They were heralded as being better than regular aspirin in relieving arthritic pain, with fewer side effects. However, the use of many such agents has been associated with a doubling of strokes and heart attacks and many have been pulled from the market

super aspirin

Cardiology A popular term for any agent–eg, antiplatelet GP IIb/IIIa receptor antagonist–orbofiban, sibrafiban, xemilofiban; SA relieves angina and ↓ risks of acute MI, but may be less effective than aspirin in preventing blood clotting post coronary angioplasty. See Aspirin, Lamifiban. Cf Baby aspirin.