Tamm-Horsfall protein

Tamm-Hors·fall mu·co·pro·tein

(tam hōrs'fahl), the matrix of urinary casts derived from the secretion of renal tubular cells. Synonym(s): Tamm-Horsfall protein, urinary slime, uromucoid

Tamm-Horsfall protein

An older term, still in wide use, for what is now better known as uromodulin, which is encoded by UMOD on cytogenetic band 16p12.3.


Frank L., Jr., U.S. physician, 1906-1971. Tamm-Horsfall mucoprotein - see under TammTamm-Horsfall protein


Igor, U.S. virologist, 1922-1971. Tamm-Horsfall mucoprotein - the matrix of urinary casts derived from the secretion of renal tubular cells.Tamm-Horsfall protein