toxic hemoglobinuria

tox·ic he·mo·glo·bi·nu·ri·a

hemoglobinuria occurring after the ingestion of various poisons, in certain blood diseases, and in certain infections.

tox·ic he·mo·glo·bi·nu·ri·a

(tok'sik hē'mō-glō-bi-nyūr'ē-ă) The presence of hemoglobin in the urine resulting from ingestion of various poisons, certain blood diseases, and some types of infection.

toxic hemoglobinuria

Hemoglobinuria resulting from toxic substances such as muscarine or snake venom; toxic products of infectious diseases such as yellow fever, typhoid fever, syphilis, and certain forms of hemolytic jaundice; organisms such as Plasmodium malariae, which destroy red blood cells; and foreign protein in blood, e.g., following blood transfusion. See also: hemoglobinuria