Soap, Naphthenate

Soap, Naphthenate


an industrial mixture of sodium salts of naphthenic acids produced as a waste product in the alkaline treatment of the kerosine, gas-oil, and solar-oil fractions of petroleum. Naphthenate soap is a paste that ranges from straw yellow to dark brown and has an unpleasant odor. It consists of not less than 43 percent naphthenates (on the basis of acid), 9–15 percent unsaponified material, and 4—6 percent mineral salts, as well as water. Acidol naphthenate soap also contains free naphthenic acids and is produced by treating naphthenate soap with sulfuric acid. Napthenate soap and acidol naphthenate soap are used as emulsifiying agents and fat substitutes in soap production. Naphthenate soaps are also sometimes used as cleansing and disinfecting agents.


Khimicheskie tovary, 3rd ed., vol. 2. Moscow, 1969. Pages 425 and 463.