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Russell traction Rus·sell trac·tion (rŭs'ĕl), an improvement of Buck extension that permits the resultant vector of the applied traction force to be changed; for fractures of the femur.Russell traction Orthopedics A splintless type of balanced lower limb traction effected by holding the skin of the whole leg with adhesive plaster. See Traction. Rus·sell trac·tion (rŭs'ĕl trak'shŭn) A means of applying traction to one or both legs using 5-10 lb weights per leg. The leg is lifted off the bed in a sling. Russell, R. Hamilton, Australian surgeon, 1860-1933. Russell traction - an improvement of Buck extension that permits the resultant vector of the applied traction force to be changed, for fractures of the femur.Russell-Taylor classificationRussell-Taylor nailRussell-Taylor rod |