Russell Periodontal Index

Rus·sell Per·i·o·don·tal In·dex

(rŭs'ĕl), An index that estimates the degree of periodontal disease present in the mouth by measuring both bone loss around the teeth and gingival inflammation; used frequently in the epidemiologic investigation of periodontal disease.

Rus·sell Per·i·o·don·tal In·dex

(rŭs'ĕl per'ē-ŏ-don'tăl in'deks) An index that estimates the degree of periodontal disease present in the mouth by measuring both bone loss around the teeth and gingival inflammation; used in the epidemiologic investigation of periodontal disease.


Albert L., U.S. dentist, 1905–. Russell Periodontal Index - estimates the degree of periodontal disease.

Rus·sell Per·i·o·don·tal In·dex

(rŭs'ĕl per'ē-ŏ-don'tăl in'deks) Assessment tool that estimates degree of periodontal disease present in the mouth by measuring both bone loss around teeth and gingival inflammation; used frequently in epidemiologic investigation of periodontal disease.