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DictionarySeeset theorySETL
SETLSET Language. A very high level language based on sets,designed by Jack Schwartz at the Courant Institute in theearly 1970s. It was possibly the first use of list comprehension notation.
Data types include sets (unordered collections), tuples(ordered collections) and maps (collections of ordered pairs).Expressions may include quantifiers ('for each' and'exists'). The first Ada translator was written in SETL.
See also ISETL, ProSet, SETL2.
["Programming With Sets - An Introduction to SETL", JacobT. Schwartz et al, Springer 1986].SETL(SET Theory Language) A programming language developed by Jack Schwartz in the early 1970s. It is based on set theory and used for mathematical and telecommunications applications. See ALICE and set theory.SETL
Acronym | Definition |
SETL➣Set Byte if Less | SETL➣SEt Theory Language | SETL➣Student Evaluation of Teaching and Learning (various schools) | SETL➣Security Environment Threat List (US State Department) | SETL➣Shell Energy Trading Limited (London, UK) | SETL➣Spatial Extract Transform and Load |