ansa peduncularis


 [an´sah] (pl. an´sae) (L.) a looplike structure.ansa cervica´lis a nerve loop in the neck attached in front and above to the hypoglossal nerve and behind to the upper cervical spinal nerves. Its hypoglossal attachment is misleading since this part of the loop ultimately rejoins the upper spinal nerves. Called also ansa hypoglossi.ansa of Henle Henle's loop.ansa hypoglos´si ansa cervicalis.ansa lenticula´ris a small nerve fiber tract arising in the globus pallidus and joining the anterior part of the ventral thalamic nucleus.ansa nephro´ni Henle's´sae nervo´rum spina´lium loops of spinal nerves joining the anterior spinal nerves.ansa peduncula´ris peduncular loop: a complex grouping of nerve fibers connecting the amygdaloid nucleus, piriform area, and anterior hypothalamus, and various thalamic nuclei.

an·sa pe·dun·cu·la·'ris

[TA] a complex fiber bundle curving around the medial edge of the internal capsule and connecting the anterior part of the temporal lobe (temporal cortex), amygdala, and olfactory cortex with the mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus; it enters the thalamus as a component of the inferior thalamic peduncle, which also contains a major part of the fibers connecting the mediodorsal nucleus to the orbitofrontal cortex. Synonym(s): peduncular ansa, peduncular loop, Reil ansa

an·sa pe·dun·cu·la·ris

(an'să pe-dŭnk-yū-lā'ris) [TA] A complex fiber bundle curving around the medial edge of the internal capsule and connecting the anterior part of the temporal lobe (temporal cortex), amygdala, and olfactory cortex with the mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus; it enters the thalamus as a component of the inferior thalamic peduncle, which also contains a major part of the fibers connecting the mediodorsal nucleus to the orbitofrontal cortex.


Johann C., German physician, neurologist, and histologist, 1759-1813. circular sulcus of Reil - a semicircular fissure. Synonym(s): circular sulcus of insula; limiting sulcus of Reilisland of Reil - an oval region of the cerebral cortex overlying the extreme capsule, lateral to the lenticular nucleus, buried in the depth of the fissura lateralis cerebri (sylvian fissure). Synonym(s): insula; insular area; insular cortexlimiting sulcus of Reil - Synonym(s): circular sulcus of ReilReil ansa - a complex fiber bundle. Synonym(s): ansa peduncularisReil band - Synonym(s): medial lemniscus; septomarginal trabeculaReil ribbon - Synonym(s): medial lemniscusReil triangle - Synonym(s): lemniscal trigone