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DictionarySeememoryprocedural memory
procedural memory[prə‚sēj·ə·rəl ′mem·rē] (psychology) The memory of motor, perceptual, and cognitive skills. procedural memory
procedural memorymental retention involving presemantic perception, processing visuospatial information, and affective valence, allowing recall of skills needed for ADLs. Compare: autobiographic memory. pro·ce·du·ral mem·o·ry (prǒ-sē'jŭr-al mem'ŏr-ē) Knowledge needed to perform the procedures composing a given task. procedural memoryThe ability to recall how to perform activities or functions, e.g., how to brush one's teeth or ride a skateboard. This type of memory is often preserved when other memory functions are lost. See: declarative memorySee also: memoryLegalSeeMemory |