

单词 super-



(word root) above, beyondExamples of words with the root super-: superimpose, supersede, supernatural


pref.1. Above; over; upon: superimpose.2. Superior, as in size, quality, degree, or ability: superfluid.3. a. Exceeding a norm: supersaturate.b. Extreme or excessive, as in degree or intensity: supersubtle.c. Containing a specified ingredient in an unusually high proportion: superphosphate.4. More inclusive than a specified category: superorder.
[Latin, from super, over, above; see uper in Indo-European roots.]


prefix 1. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) placed above or over: superscript. 2. of greater size, extent, quality, etc: supermarket. 3. surpassing others; outstanding: superstar. 4. beyond a standard or norm; exceeding or exceedingly: supersonic. 5. (Chemistry) indicating that a chemical compound contains a specified element in a higher proportion than usual: superoxide. [from Latin super above]


(ˈsu pər)

n. 1. a superintendent, esp. of an apartment house. 2. a supernumerary. 3. a supervisor. 4. an article of a superior quality, grade, size, etc. 5. (in beekeeping) the portion of a hive in which honey is stored. adj. 6. of the highest degree, power, etc.: a super council. 7. of an extreme or excessive degree: super haste. 8. very good; first-rate; excellent. adv. 9. very; extremely or excessively: super cooperative. [1855–65; independent use of super- (construed as an adj. or adv.), or shortening of words prefixed with it]


a prefix occurring orig. in loanwords from Latin, with the basic meaning “above, beyond.” Words formed with super- have the following general senses: “to place or be placed above or over” (superimpose), “a thing placed over another” (superstructure), “situated over” (superficial) and, more figuratively, “an individual, thing, or property that exceeds customary norms or levels” (superconductivity; superman), “something larger, more powerful, or with wider application than others of its kind” (supercomputer; superhighway), “exceeding norms or limits” (superhuman), “having the specified property to a great or excessive degree” (supercritical; superfine), “to subject to (a physical process) to an extreme degree” (supercharge; supercool), “a category that embraces a number of lesser items of the specified kind” (superfamily), “a chemical compound with a higher proportion than usual of a given constituent” (superphosphate). [< Latin super (preposition and v. prefix) above, beyond, in addition, to an especially high degree; akin to Greek hypér (see hyper-), Skt upari; see over]



 word element [L.], above; excessive.


In excess, above, superior, or in the upper part of; often the same usage as L. supra-. Compare: hyper-. [L. super, above, beyond]


Properly only prefixed to words of L. derivation, denoting in excess, above, superior, or in the upper part of; often the same usage as L. supra-.
Compare: hyper-
[L. super, above, beyond]


Prefix denoting above or excessive.


SUPER-Above (Prefix)




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