Vitkovskii, Vasilii

Vitkovskii, Vasilii Vasil’evich


Born Nov. 1 (13), 1856, in the fortress of Novogeorgievsk, Warsaw Province, now in Poland; died Mar. 20, 1924, in Leningrad. Russian geodesist.

Vitkovskii graduated from the Academy of the General Staff in 1885. From then to 1889 he worked on geodesic surveys and triangulation of Finland and St. Petersburg Province. In 1889 he began to teach at military and civilian educational institutions. In 1897 he became a professor in the geodesic department of the Academy of the General Staff, with the rank of lieutenant general. Vitkovskii was head of the division of mathematical cartography of the Russian Geographic Society (1897-1905).


Prakticheskaia geodeziia, 2nd ed. St. Petersburg, 1911.
Topogrqfiia, 4th ed. Leningrad, 1940.
Kartografiia. St. Petersburg, 1907.


Kartyshin, V. M. “Vydaiushchiisia russkii geodezist V. V. Vitkovskii, 1856-1924.” Izv. Vsesoiuznogo geograficheskogo obshchestva, 1955, no. 87, issue 2. (Contains a list of his works.)