Vitkevich Mission

Vitkevich Mission


a journey to Afghanistan under-taken in 1837 and early 1838 by Lieutenant I. V. Vitkevich, an aide-de-camp of the Orenburg military governor, at the request of the Afghanistan emir Dost Muhammad Khan, who was seeking support from the Russians in the struggle against the British colonizers and their proponents.

Dost Muhammad Khan accepted Vitkevich’s offer of an alliance with Russia, but he was unable to profit by the negotiations since the tsarist government, under pressure from the British government, repudiated Vitkevich and re-fused to recognize the treaty concluded by him. Vitkevich ended his life in suicide (or was murdered) in a St. Petersburg hotel in May 1839. His papers disappeared.


Khalfin, N. A. Proval britanskoi agressii v Afganistane (XIX v.-nachalo XX v.). Moscow, 1959.