Vitka, Vasil
Vitka, Vasil’
(pseudonym of Timofei Vasil’evich Krys’ko). Born May 3 (16), 1911, in the village of Evlichi, Minsk Province. Soviet Byelorussian poet and playwright. Member of the CPSU since 1947.
Vitka broke into print in 1928 and has published various collections of poems: The Toughening (1943), Noon (1946), Loyalty (1953), The Rose and the Bayonet (1958), and The Check-up (1961). Vitka’s poetry is inspired by a feeling of civic service to the people. He has also written verse tales for children: Squirrel’s Sorrow (1948), Stork’s Summer (1958), The Tale of Tsar Aurochs (1960), Vasia Veselkin’s ABc Book (1965), and Tales (1968). Vitka’s play A Poet’s Happiness (1951), devoted to the life of la. Kupala, is well known. Vitka has also translated works from Russian, for example, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin’s The Golovlev Family (1956). He is the editor of the children’s magazine Viaselka (The Rainbow). Vitka has been awarded two orders, as well as medals.
Lyn’kou, M. “Shukal’nik zapavetnaha slova.” Maladosts’’, 1961, no. 5.Pis’menniki Savetskai Belarusi: Karotki biiabibliiahrafichny davednik. Minsk, 1970.