Vitichev, Assembly of
Vitichev, Assembly of
the second congress of the princes of Kievan Rus’, held in August 1100 in the town of Vitichev.
Sviatopolk Iziaslavich, Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh, and Davyd and Oleg Sviatoslavich concluded a peace among “themselves on August 10, and on August 30 the princes assembled for the trial of Davyd Igorevich, who had violated the truce established in 1097 at the first congress of the princes in Liubech. Davyd was deprived of the principality of Vladimir-Volyn’ and received in its place the towns of Buzhskii Ostrog, Duben, Chartoryisk, and 400 grivny (an ancient monetary unit) in silver. The principal aim of the Assembly of Vitichev was to unite the princes for the struggle against the Polovtsy. The joint campaigns of the Russian princes into the steppes which began after this assembly ensured for many years the safety of Rus’ from the Polovtsy.
Grekov, B. D. Kievskaia Rus’. [Moscow] 1953.Drevnerusskoe gosudarstvo i ego mezhdunarodnoe znachenie. Moscow, 1965.