释义 |
n. | 1.(Med.) The kindling of a disease into action; also, the procatarctic cause. |
pro·ca·tarx·is (prō'kă-tark'sis), 1. Synonym(s): exciting cause2. The beginning of a disease under the influence of the exciting cause, a predisposing cause already existing. [G. a beginning beforehand, fr. prokatararchomi, to begin first, fr. pro, before, + kata, upon, + archō, to begin] procatarxis An antiquated term defined by English physician William Harvey (1578–1657), a student of Fabricius, as “the kindling of a disease into action”, and more recently as: (1) A predisposing cause; e.g., aetiologic agent; (2) Predisposition; e.g., aetiologic mechanism; (3) The production of a disease partially as a result of predisposition; e.g., preclinical disease. Procatarxis is not used in the working medical parlance. |