Problemy Mira i Sotsializma
Problemy Mira i Sotsializma
(Problems of Peace and Socialism), a theoretical and information journal of communist and workers’ parties, published in Prague since 1958.
Problemy mira i sotsializma is published monthly in English, Arabic, Bengali, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Vietnamese, Greek, Danish, Spanish, modern Hebrew, Italian, Mongolian, German, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Rumanian, Russian, Sinhalese, Turkish, Finnish, French, Hindi, Czech, Swedish, and Japanese. The journal’s editorial board and editorial council include (1975) representatives of the communist and workers’ parties of Austria, Algeria, Argentina, Bulgaria, Bolivia, Brazil, Great Britain, Hungary, Venezuela, Guatemala, the German Democratic Republic, Honduras, Greece, Denmark, Israel, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Iraq, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Canada, Cyprus, Colombia, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Mexico, Mongolia, Panama, Paraguay, Poland, Portugal, Rumania, Senegal, the USSR, Sudan, the USA, the Philippines, Finland, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Czechoslovakia, Chile, Sweden, the Republic of South Africa, and Japan.
The journal deals with problems of Marxist-Leninist theory, the strategy and tactics of the world communist movement, the conditions of the working class, and efforts to attain democracy and socialism in the developed capitalist countries and in the developing countries. It deals with the building of socialism and communism in the socialist countries, problems of the national liberation movement, and intraparty affairs of the communist and workers’ parties. The journal is distributed in 145 countries. Circulation, 500,000 (1975).