Rusanov, Nikolai
Rusanov, Nikolai Sergeevich
Born Sept. 16 (28), 1859, in Orel; died July 28, 1939, in Bern. Russian revolutionary. Member of the People’s Will; later, a member of the Socialist Revolutionary Party.
Son of a merchant, Rusanov studied at the St. Petersburg Medical and Surgical Academy until 1879. Beginning in 1877 he was active in the Narodnik (Populist) movement and was a member of the People’s Will. From 1882 to 1905 he was in emigration. Rusanov was a contributor to the Vestnik Narodnoi voli under the pseudonym K. Tarasov. In the 1890’s he was one of the organizers of the Gruppa Starykh Narodovol’tsev (Group of Veteran Members of the People’s Will) in Paris. In 1901 he took part in the founding of the Vestnik russkoi revoliutsii, the theoretical organ of the Socialist Revolutionary Party. In the 1890’s and 1900’s he contributed to the legal press under the pseudonym N. Kudrin, corresponding from France with Russkoe bogatstvo and other publications. Rusanov emigrated after the October Revolution of 1917. He wrote his memoirs under the titles In the Homeland (1931) and In Emigration ( 1929).