Tikhomirov, Lev
Tikhomirov, Lev Aleksandrovich
Born Jan. 19 (31), 1852, in Gelendzhik; died Oct. 16, 1923, in Zagorsk. Russian social figure.
Born into the nobility, Tikhomirov studied at Moscow University from 1870 to 1873. In 1872 and 1873 he belonged to the Chaikovskii circle and conducted propaganda among the workers. Arrested in November 1873, he was one of the accused in the Trial of the 193.
In the summer of 1878, Tikhomirov became a leader of Land and Liberty and served on the editorial board of Zemlia i volia (Land and Liberty). From 1879 he was a member of the executive committee and the administrative commission of People’s Will and served on the editorial board of Narodnaia volia (People’s Will). He emigrated in 1882. Together with P. L. Lavrov, he published the Vestnik Narodnoi voli (Herald of the People’s Will).
Tikhomirov renounced his revolutionary convictions in 1888, pleaded for pardon, and was allowed to return to Russia the following year. After his return, he became a monarchist. He edited Moskovskie vedomosti (Moscow Gazette) from 1909 to 1913. Tikhmorov retired from political activity in 1917.
Vospominaniia. Moscow-Leningrad, 1927.“25 let nazad.” [From the diaries of L. Tikhomirov.] Krasnyi arkhiv, 1930, vols. 1–5.
Zagovorshchiki i politsiia. Moscow, 1930.
Plekhanov, G. V. “Novyi zashchitnik samoderzhaviia, ili gore g. L. Tikhomirova.” Soch., vol. 3. Moscow-Leningrad, 1928.Figner, V. N. “Lev Tikhomirov.” Poln. sobr. soch., vol. 5. Moscow, 1932.
Tvardovskaia, V. A. Sotsialisticheskaia mysl’ v Rossii na rubezhe 1870–1880-kh gg. Moscow, 1969.