释义 |
Set S0290900 (sĕt)n. Mythology Variant of Seth2.
set 1 S0290900 (sĕt)v. set, set·ting, sets v.tr.1. To put in a specified position or arrangement; place: set a book on a table; set the photo next to the flowers.2. a. To put into a specified state: set the prisoner at liberty; set the house ablaze; set the machine in motion.b. To cause to begin an action: The noise set the dog to barking.c. To cause or assign (someone) to undertake an action or perform a service: The sergeant set the recruit to sweeping the barracks.d. To incite to hostile feeling or action: a dispute that set the neighbors against each other.3. To position (oneself) so as to be ready to do something, such as start running a race.4. To put into a stable or fixed position, as:a. To position or secure so as to be fixed or immobile: set the fence post in cement.b. To put in a mounting; mount: set an emerald in a pendant.c. To apply jewels to; stud: The tiara was set with diamonds.d. To cause (a hook) to become fixed in a fish's mouth.5. To cause to be in proper, useful, or working condition, as:a. To arrange for the consumption of a meal: set the table; set a place at table.b. To adjust (an instrument or device) to a specific point or calibration: set the alarm for 7:00.c. To prepare (a trap) for catching prey.d. To adjust (a saw) by deflecting the teeth.e. Nautical To spread open to the wind: set the sails.f. To arrange scenery on (a theater stage).g. To restore to a proper and normal state when dislocated or broken: set a broken arm.h. To apply equipment, such as curlers and clips, to (hair) in order to style.6. a. To concentrate or direct (one's mind or attention, for example) on a purpose or goal.b. To direct or focus (one's desires or hopes, for example) on a certain thing.7. Sports To pass (a volleyball), usually with the fingertips, in an arc close to the net so that a teammate can drive it over the net.8. Printing a. To arrange (type) into words and sentences preparatory to printing; compose.b. To transpose (text, for example) into type.9. Music a. To compose (music) to fit a given text.b. To write (words) to fit a given melodic line.10. To appoint, establish, or determine, as:a. To declare or demonstrate (a precedent or standard, for instance).b. To provide or establish as a model: A parent must set a good example for the children.c. To establish as the highest level of performance: set a swimming record.d. To arrange or establish (a computer password, for example) to allow future action.e. To prescribe as a time for: set the meeting for Friday afternoon.f. To prescribe the unfolding of (a drama or narrative, for instance) in a specific place: a play that is set in Venice.11. a. To value or regard something at the rate of: She sets a great deal by good nutrition.b. To fix at a given amount: The judge set bail for the defendant at $50,000.c. To make as an estimate of worth: We set a high value on human life.12. a. To cause to sit: Set yourself over by the fire.b. To put (a hen) on eggs for the purpose of hatching them.13. To point to the location of (game) by holding a fixed body position. Used of a hunting dog.14. Botany To produce, as after pollination: set seed.v.intr.1. To disappear below the horizon: The sun set at seven that evening.2. To diminish or decline; wane: when the glory of the empire set.3. To sit on eggs. Used of fowl.4. a. To become fixed; harden: allowed the aspic to set.b. To become permanent. Used of dye.5. To become whole; knit. Used of a broken bone.6. To point to the location of game by holding a fixed body position. Used of a hunting dog.7. Botany To mature or develop, as after pollination.8. Nonstandard To sit: "If Emmett drives, I could set up front" (Bobbie Ann Mason).9. To position oneself preparatory to an action, such as running a race.adj.1. Fixed or established by agreement: a set time for the launching.2. Established by convention: followed set procedures for filing a grievance.3. Established deliberately; intentional: Our set purpose is to win the conflict.4. Fixed and rigid: "His bearded face already has a set, hollow look" (Conor Cruise O'Brien).5. Unwilling or very reluctant to change: He is set in his ways.6. a. Intent and determined: "He is dead set against rushing abroad to build a plant" (Fortune).b. Ready; prepared: We are set to leave early tomorrow morning.n.1. a. The act or process of setting.b. The condition resulting from setting.2. The manner in which something is positioned: the set of her cap.3. A permanent firming or hardening of a substance, as by cooling.4. The deflection of the teeth of a saw.5. a. The carriage or bearing of a part of the body.b. A particular psychological state, usually that of anticipation or preparedness: "The mental set of an audience is crucial to his performance" (Psychology Today).6. A descent below the horizon.7. The direction or course of wind or water.8. A seedling, slip, or cutting that is ready for planting.9. The act of arranging hair by waving and curling it.10. Sports The act of setting a volleyball for a teammate.11. In Texas hold'em, a hand in which a player has two cards of the same rank and another card of that rank is among the community cards.Phrasal Verbs: set about To begin or start: set about solving the problem. set apart1. To reserve for a specific use.2. To make noticeable: character traits that set her apart. set aside1. To separate and reserve for a special purpose.2. To discard or reject.3. To declare invalid; annul or overrule: The court has set aside the conviction. set at To attack or assail: The dogs set at the fox. set back1. To slow down the progress of; hinder.2. Informal To cost: That coat set me back $1,000. set by To reserve for future use: It is wise to set food and money by in case of a future emergency. set down1. To cause to sit; seat: Set the baby down here.2. To put in writing; record: We set down the facts.3. a. To regard; consider: Just set him down as a sneak.b. To assign to a cause; attribute: Let's set the error down to inexperience.4. To land (an aircraft): The pilot set the plane down hard.5. Baseball To put out (a batter); retire. Used of a pitcher. set forth1. To present for consideration; propose: set forth a sound plan.2. To express in words: She has set forth her ideas. set forward To begin a journey. set in1. To insert: set in the sleeve of a gown.2. To begin to happen or be apparent: "Evening was setting in as I took the road over Mountain Top" (Charles Siebert).3. To move toward the shore. Used of wind or water. set off1. a. To give rise to; cause to occur: set off a chemical reaction.b. To cause to explode: set off a bomb.c. To make suddenly or demonstrably angry: The clerk's indifference finally set me off.2. To indicate as being different; distinguish: features setting him off from the crowd.3. To direct attention to by contrast; accentuate: set off a passage with italics.4. To counterbalance, counteract, or compensate for: Our dismay at her leaving was set off by our knowing that she was happy.5. To start on a journey: set off for Europe. set out1. To begin an earnest attempt; undertake: He set out to understand why the plan had failed.2. To lay out systematically or graphically: set out a terrace.3. To display for exhibition or sale.4. To plant: set out seedlings.5. To start a journey: She set out at dawn for town. set to1. To begin working energetically; start in.2. To begin fighting. set up1. To place in an upright position.2. a. To elevate; raise.b. To raise in authority or power; invest with power: They set the general up as a dictator.c. To put (oneself) forward as; claim to be: He has set himself up as an authority on the English language.d. To assemble and erect: set up a new machine.3. To establish; found: set up a charity.4. To cause: They set up howls of protest over new taxes.5. To establish in business by providing capital, equipment, or other backing.6. Informal a. To treat (someone) to drinks.b. To pay for (drinks).7. Informal To stimulate or exhilarate: a victory that really set the team up.8. To lay plans for: set up a kidnapping.9. Informal To put (someone else) into a compromising situation by deceit or trickery: Swindlers have set me up.10. Sports To make a pass to (a teammate), creating a scoring opportunity. set upon To attack violently: Guards set dogs upon the escaping prisoners.Idioms: set against Strongly opposed to: We are dead set against the idea. set fire to To cause to ignite and burn. set foot in To enter. set foot on To step on. set in motion To give impetus to: The indictment set the judicial process in motion. set on Resolved to do something or strongly wishing for something: She is set on getting a role in the play. set (one's) heart on To be determined to do something. set (one's) sights on To have as a goal: She set her sights on medical school. set on fire1. To cause to ignite and burn.2. To cause to become excited: The music set the audience on fire. set sail Nautical To begin a voyage on water. set (someone) straight To inform (someone) of the truth of a situation. set store by To regard as valuable or worthwhile. set the pace1. To go at a speed that other competitors attempt to match or surpass.2. To behave or perform in a way that others try to emulate. set the scene/stage for To provide the underlying basis for: saber rattling that set the stage for war. set up housekeeping To establish a household. set up shop To establish one's business operations. [Middle English setten, from Old English settan; see sed- in Indo-European roots.]Usage Note: Originally set meant "to cause (someone) to sit" and "to cause (something) to be in a certain position," so that it is now in most cases a transitive verb: She sets the book on the table. He sets the table. Sit is generally an intransitive verb: He sits at the table. There are some exceptions: The sun sets (not sits). A hen sets (or sits) on her eggs.
set 2 S0290900 (sĕt)n.1. A group of things of the same kind that belong together and are so used: a chess set.2. A group of persons sharing a common interest: the high-school set.3. A group of books or periodicals published as a unit.4. a. A number of couples required for participation in a square dance.b. The movements constituting a square dance.5. a. The scenery constructed for a theatrical performance.b. The entire enclosure in which a movie is filmed; the sound stage.6. Music a. A session of music, typically dance music, played before an intermission.b. The music so played.7. The collective receiving apparatus assembled to operate a radio or television.8. Mathematics A collection of distinct elements having specific common properties: a set of positive integers.9. Sports a. A group of games constituting one division or unit of a match, as in tennis.b. An offensive formation in football or basketball. [Middle English sette, from Old French, from Medieval Latin secta, retinue, from Latin, faction; see sect.]set (sɛt) vb (mainly tr) , sets, setting or set1. to put or place in position or into a specified state or condition: to set a book on the table; to set someone free. 2. (also intr; foll by to or on) to put or be put (to); apply or be applied: he set fire to the house; they set the dogs on the scent. 3. to put into order or readiness for use; prepare: to set a trap; to set the table for dinner. 4. (also intr) to put, form, or be formed into a jelled, firm, fixed, or rigid state: the jelly set in three hours. 5. (also intr) to put or be put into a position that will restore a normal state: to set a broken bone. 6. to adjust (a clock or other instrument) to a position7. to determine or establish: we have set the date for our wedding. 8. to prescribe or allot (an undertaking, course of study, etc): the examiners have set 'Paradise Lost'. 9. to arrange in a particular fashion, esp an attractive one: she set her hair; the jeweller set the diamonds in silver. 10. (Clothing & Fashion) (of clothes) to hang or fit (well or badly) when worn11. (Music, other) Also: set to music to provide music for (a poem or other text to be sung)12. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) printing Also: set up to arrange or produce (type, film, etc) from (text or copy); compose13. (Theatre) to arrange (a stage, television studio, etc) with scenery and props14. (Film) to arrange (a stage, television studio, etc) with scenery and props15. to describe or present (a scene or the background to a literary work, story, etc) in words: his novel is set in Russia. 16. to present as a model of good or bad behaviour (esp in the phrases set an example, set a good example, set a bad example)17. (foll by: on or by) to value (something) at a specified price or estimation of worth: he set a high price on his services. 18. (foll by at) to price (the value of something) at a specified sum: he set his services at £300. 19. (also intr) to give or be given a particular direction: his course was set to the East. 20. (Nautical Terms) (also intr) to rig (a sail) or (of a sail) to be rigged so as to catch the wind21. (intr) (of the sun, moon, etc) to disappear beneath the horizon22. to leave (dough, etc) in one place so that it may prove23. to sharpen (a cutting blade) by grinding or honing the angle adjacent to the cutting edge24. to displace alternate teeth of (a saw) to opposite sides of the blade in order to increase the cutting efficiency25. to sink (the head of a nail) below the surface surrounding it by using a nail set26. (Computer Science) computing to give (a binary circuit) the value 127. (Botany) (of plants) to produce (fruits, seeds, etc) after pollination or (of fruits or seeds) to develop after pollination28. (Agriculture) to plant (seeds, seedlings, etc)29. (Agriculture) to place (a hen) on (eggs) for the purpose of incubation30. (Hunting) (intr) (of a gun dog) to turn in the direction of game, indicating its presence31. Scot and Irish to let or lease: to set a house. 32. (Bridge) bridge to defeat (one's opponents) in their attempt to make a contract33. a dialect word for sit34. set eyes on to seen35. the act of setting or the state of being set36. a condition of firmness or hardness37. bearing, carriage, or posture: the set of a gun dog when pointing. 38. (Clothing & Fashion) the fit or hang of a garment, esp when worn39. (Theatre) the scenery and other props used in and identifying the location of a stage or television production, film, etc40. (Film) the scenery and other props used in and identifying the location of a stage or television production, film, etc41. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) printing a. the width of the body of a piece of typeb. the width of the lines of type in a page or column42. (Nautical Terms) nautical a. the cut of the sails or the arrangement of the sails, spars, rigging, etc, of a vesselb. the direction from which a wind is blowing or towards which a tide or current is moving43. (Psychology) psychol a temporary bias disposing an organism to react to a stimulus in one way rather than in others44. (Agriculture) a seedling, cutting, or similar part that is ready for planting: onion sets. 45. (Tools) a blacksmith's tool with a short head similar to a cold chisel set transversely onto a handle and used, when struck with a hammer, for cutting off lengths of iron bars46. (Tools) See nailset47. the direction of flow of water48. a mechanical distortion of shape or alignment, such as a bend in a piece of metal49. (General Engineering) the penetration of a driven pile for each blow of the drop hammer50. (Civil Engineering) a variant spelling of sett51. (Zoology) a variant spelling of sett52. (Textiles) a variant spelling of settadj53. fixed or established by authority or agreement: set hours of work. 54. (usually postpositive) rigid or inflexible: she is set in her ways. 55. unmoving; fixed: a set expression on his face. 56. conventional, artificial, or stereotyped, rather than spontaneous: she made her apology in set phrases. 57. (postpositive; foll by on or upon) resolute in intention: he is set upon marrying. 58. (Education) (of a book, etc) prescribed for students' preparation for an examination[Old English settan, causative of sittan to sit; related to Old Frisian setta, Old High German sezzan]
set (sɛt) n1. a number of objects or people grouped or belonging together, often forming a unit or having certain features or characteristics in common: a set of coins; John is in the top set for maths. 2. a group of people who associate together, esp a clique: he's part of the jet set. 3. (Mathematics) maths logic a. Also called: class a collection of numbers, objects, etc, that is treated as an entity: 3, the moon is the set the two members of which are the number 3 and the moonb. (in some formulations) a class that can itself be a member of other classes4. (Logic) maths logic a. Also called: class a collection of numbers, objects, etc, that is treated as an entity: 3, the moon is the set the two members of which are the number 3 and the moonb. (in some formulations) a class that can itself be a member of other classes5. (Electronics) any apparatus that receives or transmits television or radio signals6. (Tennis) tennis squash badminton one of the units of a match, in tennis one in which one player or pair of players must win at least six games: Graf lost the first set. 7. (Squash & Fives) tennis squash badminton one of the units of a match, in tennis one in which one player or pair of players must win at least six games: Graf lost the first set. 8. (Badminton) tennis squash badminton one of the units of a match, in tennis one in which one player or pair of players must win at least six games: Graf lost the first set. 9. (Dancing) a. the number of couples required for a formation danceb. a series of figures that make up a formation dance10. (Music, other) a. a band's or performer's concert repertoire on a given occasion: the set included no new numbers. b. a continuous performance: the Who played two sets. vb, sets, setting or set11. (Dancing) (intr) (in square dancing and country dancing) to perform a sequence of steps while facing towards another dancer: set to your partners. 12. (usually tr) to divide into sets: in this school we set our older pupils for English. [C14 (in the obsolete sense: a religious sect): from Old French sette, from Latin secta sect; later sense development influenced by the verb set1]set (sɛt) v. set, set•ting, n., adj. v.t. 1. to put (something or someone) in a particular place, position, or posture: to set a vase on a table; Set the baby on her feet. 2. to put or cause to pass into some condition: to set a house on fire; to set a prisoner free. 3. to put or apply: to set fire to a house. 4. to fix definitely; establish or decide upon: to set a time limit; to set a wedding date. 5. to put (a price or value) upon something. 6. to fix the value of at a certain amount, rate, or point: She sets honesty above everything else. 7. to post, station, or appoint for some duty or task: to set guards at the door. 8. to place or plant firmly: to set a flagpole in concrete. 9. to direct or settle resolutely or wishfully: to set one's mind to a task; to set one's heart on a new bike. 10. to establish for others to follow: to set a fast pace; to set a good example. 11. to prescribe or assign, as a task. 12. to distribute or arrange china, silver, etc., for use on (a table). 13. to style (the hair) by using rollers, clips, lotions, or other aids to induce curls, waves, fullness, etc. 14. to put in the proper or desired order or condition for use: to set a trap. 15. to adjust (a mechanism) so as to control its performance. 16. to adjust the hands of (a clock or watch) to the desired position or according to a certain standard. 17. to adjust (a timer, alarm, etc.) so as to sound when desired. 18. to fix at a given point or calibration: to set the dial on an oven. 19. to fix or mount (a gem or the like) in a frame or setting. 20. to ornament or stud with gems or the like. 21. to cause to sit; seat: to set a child in a highchair. 22. to put (a hen) on eggs to hatch them. 23. to place (eggs) under a hen or in an incubator for hatching. 24. to cause to take a particular direction: to set one's course to the south. 25. to put into a fixed, rigid, or settled state, as the face or muscles. 26. to put (a broken or dislocated bone) back in position. 27. to cause (glue, mortar, or the like) to become fixed or hard. 28. to affix or apply, as by stamping: The king set his seal to the decree. 29. to tighten (often fol. by up): to set nuts well up. 30. (of a hunting dog) to indicate the position of (game) by standing stiffly and pointing with the muzzle. 31. to urge, goad, or encourage to attack: to set the hounds on a trespasser. 32. to put aside (dough with yeast in it) to permit rising. 33. a. to fit, as words to music. b. to arrange for musical performance. c. to arrange (music) for certain voices or instruments. 34. a. to arrange the scenery, properties, lights, etc., on (a stage) for an act or scene. b. to give decisive form to (an action, scene, etc.) in preparation for performance. 35. to spread and secure (a sail) so as to catch the wind. 36. a. to arrange (type) in the order required for printing. b. to arrange (a text) in type for printing. 37. Bridge. to cause (the opponents or their contract) to fall short. 38. to sink (a nail head) with a nail set. 39. to bend the teeth of (a saw) outward in opposite directions. v.i. 40. to pass below the horizon; sink: The sun sets early in winter. 41. to decline; wane. 42. to assume a fixed or rigid state, as the countenance or the muscles. 43. (of mortar, glue, dye, or the like) to become firm, solid, or permanent. 44. to sit on eggs to hatch them, as a hen. 45. (of the hair) to assume a particular style as the result of having been temporarily rolled up, pinned, twisted, etc. 46. (of a flower's ovary) to develop into a fruit. 47. (of a hunting dog) to indicate the position of game. 48. to have a certain direction or course, as a wind or current. 49. (of a sail) to be spread so as to catch the wind. 50. Nonstandard. to sit: Come in and set a spell. 51. set about, to begin; undertake; start. 52. set aside, a. to put to one side; reserve. b. to dismiss from the mind; reject. c. to prevail over; discard; annul: to set aside a verdict. 53. set back, a. to hinder; impede. b. to fix at an earlier time or lower point on a scale: Set back your clocks one hour. c. Informal. to cause to pay; cost: The house set them back $200,000. 54. set by, to save or keep for future use. 55. set down, a. to record or copy in writing or printing. b. to land an airplane. 56. set forth, a. to give an account of; state; describe. b. to begin a journey; start. 57. set in, a. to begin to prevail; arrive: Darkness set in. b. (of winds or currents) to blow or flow toward the shore. 58. set off, a. to cause to become ignited or to explode. b. to begin; start. c. to intensify or improve by contrast. d. to begin a journey or trip; depart. 59. set on, a. Also, set upon. to attack or cause to attack. b. to instigate; incite. 60. set out, a. to begin a journey or course. b. to undertake; attempt. c. to define; describe. d. to plant. 61. set to, a. to begin work vigorously. b. to start to fight. 62. set up, a. to put upright; raise. b. to put into a high or powerful position. c. to construct; assemble; erect. d. to inaugurate; establish. e. to enable to begin in business; provide with means. f. to make a gift of; treat, as to drinks. g. to bring about; cause. h. to lead or lure into a prearranged situation, esp. so as to embarrass or entrap. n. 63. the act or state of setting or the state of being set. 64. a collection of articles designed for use together or in a complementary way: a chess set; a set of carving knives. 65. a number, group, or combination of things of similar nature, design, or function: a set of ideas. 66. a number, company, or group of persons associated by common interests, occupations, conventions, or status: the smart set. 67. fixed direction, bent, or inclination: The set of his mind was obvious. 68. bearing or carriage: the set of one's shoulders. 69. the assumption of a fixed, rigid, or hard state, as by mortar or glue. 70. the fit, as of an article of clothing. 71. the styling of the hair with rollers, pins, lotions, etc., or the hairstyle so formed. 72. an apparatus for receiving radio or television programs; receiver. 73. a construction representing the site of the action in a play, film, or the like. 74. a young plant, or a slip, tuber, or the like, suitable for planting. 75. Tennis. a unit of a match, consisting of a group of not fewer than six games with a margin of at least two games between the winner and loser: She won the match in straight sets of 6–3, 6–4, 6–4. 76. Mach. a. the bending out of the points of alternate teeth of a saw in opposite directions. b. a permanent deformation or displacement of an object or part. c. a tool for giving a certain form to something, as a saw tooth. 77. Psychol. a temporary state of readiness to act or respond to certain stimuli in a specific way. 78. a. the number of couples required to execute a quadrille or the like. b. a series of movements or figures that make up a quadrille or the like. 79. Music. a. a succession of pieces played by an ensemble, as a dance band or jazz group, before or after an intermission. b. the period during which these pieces are played. 80. Naut. a. the direction of a wind, current, etc. b. the form or arrangement of the sails, spars, etc., of a vessel. 81. Math. a collection of objects or elements classed together. adj. 82. fixed or prescribed beforehand: a set time. 83. specified; fixed: The hall holds a set number of people. 84. deliberately composed; customary: set phrases. 85. fixed; rigid: a set smile. 86. resolved or determined; habitually or stubbornly fixed: to be set in one's opinions. 87. completely prepared; ready: Is everyone set? [before 900; (v.) Middle English setten, Old English settan, c. Old Frisian setta, Old Saxon settian, Old High German sezzen, Old Norse setja, Gothic satjan, all < Germanic *satjan, causative of *setjan to sit; (n.) Middle English set, set(t)e, derivative of the v. and its past participle; (in senses denoting a group) Middle English sette < Old French < Latin secta sect (later influenced by the v. and Middle Low German gesette set, suite)] usage: The verbs set and sit are similar in form and meaning but different in grammatical use. set is chiefly transitive and takes an object: Set the dish on the shelf. Its past tense and past participle are also set: The judge has set the date for the trial. set also has some standard intransitive uses, as “to pass below the horizon” and “to become firm, solid, etc.” The intransitive use of set for sit, “to be seated,” is nonstandard: Pull up a chair and set by me. sit is chiefly intransitive and does not take an object: Let's sit here in the shade. Its past tense and past participle are sat: Have they sat down yet? Transitive uses of sit include “to cause to sit” (Sit yourself on the sofa) and “to provide seating for” (The waiter sat us near the window). Set (sɛt) also Seth n. an ancient Egyptian god, represented with the head of a donkey or other mammal. set (sĕt) A collection of distinct elements that have something in common. In mathematics, sets are commonly represented by enclosing the members of a set in curly braces, as {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, the set of all positive integers from 1 to 5.Set a number of items of a similar nature usually used together; a group of persons who habitually meet socially or through some other contact.set Past participle: set Gerund: setting
Present |
I set | you set | he/she/it sets | we set | you set | they set |
Preterite |
I set | you set | he/she/it set | we set | you set | they set |
Present Continuous |
I am setting | you are setting | he/she/it is setting | we are setting | you are setting | they are setting |
Present Perfect |
I have set | you have set | he/she/it has set | we have set | you have set | they have set |
Past Continuous |
I was setting | you were setting | he/she/it was setting | we were setting | you were setting | they were setting |
Past Perfect |
I had set | you had set | he/she/it had set | we had set | you had set | they had set |
Future |
I will set | you will set | he/she/it will set | we will set | you will set | they will set |
Future Perfect |
I will have set | you will have set | he/she/it will have set | we will have set | you will have set | they will have set |
Future Continuous |
I will be setting | you will be setting | he/she/it will be setting | we will be setting | you will be setting | they will be setting |
Present Perfect Continuous |
I have been setting | you have been setting | he/she/it has been setting | we have been setting | you have been setting | they have been setting |
Future Perfect Continuous |
I will have been setting | you will have been setting | he/she/it will have been setting | we will have been setting | you will have been setting | they will have been setting |
Past Perfect Continuous |
I had been setting | you had been setting | he/she/it had been setting | we had been setting | you had been setting | they had been setting |
Conditional |
I would set | you would set | he/she/it would set | we would set | you would set | they would set |
Past Conditional |
I would have set | you would have set | he/she/it would have set | we would have set | you would have set | they would have set | ThesaurusNoun | 1. | set - a group of things of the same kind that belong together and are so used; "a set of books"; "a set of golf clubs"; "a set of teeth"teeth, dentition - the kind and number and arrangement of teeth (collectively) in a person or animalvolume - a publication that is one of a set of several similar publications; "the third volume was missing"; "he asked for the 1989 volume of the Annual Review"aggregation, collection, accumulation, assemblage - several things grouped together or considered as a wholesingleton - a set containing a single memberpair, brace - a set of two similar things considered as a unittriad, triple, triplet, trio - a set of three similar things considered as a unitquadruple, quartette, quadruplet, quartet - a set of four similar things considered as a unitquintuple, quintette, quintuplet, quintet - a set of five similar things considered as a unitsextette, sestet, sextet - a set of six similar things considered as a unitseptette, septet - a set of seven similar things considered as a unitoctette, octet - a set of eight similar things considered as a unitchess set - checkerboard and a set of 32 pieces used to play chessmanicure set - a set of implements used to manicurejoin, sum, union - a set containing all and only the members of two or more given sets; "let C be the union of the sets A and B"Cartesian product, intersection, product - the set of elements common to two or more sets; "the set of red hats is the intersection of the set of hats and the set of red things"field - all the competitors in a particular contest or sporting eventfield - all of the horses in a particular horse racefield - (computer science) a set of one or more adjacent characters comprising a unit of informationbracket - a category falling within certain defined limitsconjugation - the complete set of inflected forms of a verbsuite - a matching set of furniturechoir, consort - a family of similar musical instrument playing togethercore, core group, nucleus - a small group of indispensable persons or things; "five periodicals make up the core of their publishing program"portfolio - a set of pieces of creative work collected to be shown to potential customers or employers; "the artist had put together a portfolio of his work"; "every actor has a portfolio of photographs"score - a set of twenty members; "a score were sent out but only one returned"threescore - a set with 3 times 20 memberssynset - a set of one or more synonyms | | 2. | set - (mathematics) an abstract collection of numbers or symbols; "the set of prime numbers is infinite"abstract entity, abstraction - a general concept formed by extracting common features from specific examplesmath, mathematics, maths - a science (or group of related sciences) dealing with the logic of quantity and shape and arrangementinterval - a set containing all points (or all real numbers) between two given endpointsmathematical group, group - a set that is closed, associative, has an identity element and every element has an inversedomain of a function, domain - (mathematics) the set of values of the independent variable for which a function is definedrange of a function, image, range - (mathematics) the set of values of the dependent variable for which a function is defined; "the image of f(x) = x^2 is the set of all non-negative real numbers if the domain of the function is the set of all real numbers"universal set - (mathematics) the set that contains all the elements or objects involved in the problem under consideration; "all other sets are subsets of the universal set"locus - the set of all points or lines that satisfy or are determined by specific conditions; "the locus of points equidistant from a given point is a circle"subset - a set whose members are members of another set; a set contained within another setnull set - a set that is empty; a set with no membersMandelbrot set - a set of complex numbers that has a highly convoluted fractal boundary when plotted; the set of all points in the complex plane that are bounded under a certain mathematical iterationmathematical space, topological space - (mathematics) any set of points that satisfy a set of postulates of some kind; "assume that the topological space is finite dimensional"field - (mathematics) a set of elements such that addition and multiplication are commutative and associative and multiplication is distributive over addition and there are two elements 0 and 1; "the set of all rational numbers is a field"solution, root - the set of values that give a true statement when substituted into an equationdiagonal - (mathematics) a set of entries in a square matrix running diagonally either from the upper left to lower right entry or running from the upper right to lower left entryintersection - a point or set of points common to two or more geometric configurations | | 3. | set - several exercises intended to be done in series; "he did four sets of the incline bench press"exercise setexercise, exercising, physical exercise, physical exertion, workout - the activity of exerting your muscles in various ways to keep fit; "the doctor recommended regular exercise"; "he did some exercising"; "the physical exertion required by his work kept him fit" | | 4. | set - representation consisting of the scenery and other properties used to identify the location of a dramatic production; "the sets were meticulously authentic"stage setmise en scene, stage setting, setting - arrangement of scenery and properties to represent the place where a play or movie is enactedrepresentation - a creation that is a visual or tangible rendering of someone or somethingscenery, scene - the painted structures of a stage set that are intended to suggest a particular locale; "they worked all night painting the scenery"set decoration - a decoration used as part of the set of a theatrical or movie production | | 5. | set - an unofficial association of people or groups; "the smart set goes there"; "they were an angry lot"band, circle, lotsocial group - people sharing some social relationcar pool - a small group of car drivers who arrange to take turns driving while the others are passengersclique, coterie, ingroup, inner circle, camp, pack - an exclusive circle of people with a common purposecohort - a band of warriors (originally a unit of a Roman Legion)confederacy, conspiracy - a group of conspirators banded together to achieve some harmful or illegal purposeFour Hundred - the exclusive social set of a cityhorsey set, horsy set - a set of people sharing a devotion to horses and horseback riding and horse racingjet set - a set of rich and fashionable people who travel widely for pleasureparty, company - a band of people associated temporarily in some activity; "they organized a party to search for food"; "the company of cooks walked into the kitchen" | | 6. | set - a relatively permanent inclination to react in a particular way; "the set of his mind was obvious"bentinclination, tendency, disposition - an attitude of mind especially one that favors one alternative over others; "he had an inclination to give up too easily"; "a tendency to be too strict" | | 7. | set - the act of putting something in position; "he gave a final set to his hat"locating, positioning, emplacement, location, placement, position - the act of putting something in a certain place | | 8. | set - a unit of play in tennis or squash; "they played two sets of tennis after dinner"game - (tennis) a division of play during which one player servesperiod of play, playing period, play - (in games or plays or other performances) the time during which play proceeds; "rain stopped play in the 4th inning" | | 9. | set - the process of becoming hard or solid by cooling or drying or crystallization; "the hardening of concrete"; "he tested the set of the glue"curing, solidification, solidifying, hardeningcongealment, congelation - the process of congealing; solidification by (or as if by) freezingnatural action, natural process, action, activity - a process existing in or produced by nature (rather than by the intent of human beings); "the action of natural forces"; "volcanic activity"plastination - a process involving fixation and dehydration and forced impregnation and hardening of biological tissues; water and lipids are replaced by curable polymers (silicone or epoxy or polyester) that are subsequently hardened; "the plastination of specimens is valuable for research and teaching" | | 10. | Set - evil Egyptian god with the head of a beast that has high square ears and a long snout; brother and murderer of OsirisSeth | | 11. | set - the descent of a heavenly body below the horizon; "before the set of sun"descent - a movement downward | | 12. | set - (psychology) being temporarily ready to respond in a particular way; "the subjects' set led them to solve problems the familiar way and to overlook the simpler solution"; "his instructions deliberately gave them the wrong set"readinesscognitive state, state of mind - the state of a person's cognitive processespsychological science, psychology - the science of mental life | | 13. | set - any electronic equipment that receives or transmits radio or tv signals; "the early sets ran on storage batteries"communication equipment, communication system - facility consisting of the physical plants and equipment for disseminating informationelectronic equipment - equipment that involves the controlled conduction of electrons (especially in a gas or vacuum or semiconductor)receiver, receiving system - set that receives radio or tv signalssender, transmitter - set used to broadcast radio or tv signals | Verb | 1. | set - put into a certain place or abstract location; "Put your things here"; "Set the tray down"; "Set the dogs on the scent of the missing children"; "Place emphasis on a certain point"lay, place, put, position, poseput in, stick in, inclose, insert, introduce, enclose - introduce; "Insert your ticket here"docket - place on the docket for legal action; "Only 5 of the 120 cases docketed were tried"cock - set the trigger of a firearm back for firingpostpose - place after another constituent in the sentence; "Japanese postposes the adpositions, whereas English preposes them"prepose - place before another constituent in the sentence; "English preposes the adpositions; Japanese postposes them"step - place (a ship's mast) in its stepput back, replace - put something back where it belongs; "replace the book on the shelf after you have finished reading it"; "please put the clean dishes back in the cabinet when you have washed them"stratify - form, arrange, or deposit in layers; "The fish are stratified in barrels"; "The rock was stratified by the force of the water"; "A statistician stratifies the list of names according to the addresses"plant - place something or someone in a certain position in order to secretly observe or deceive; "Plant a spy in Moscow"; "plant bugs in the dissident's apartment"intersperse - place at intervals in or among; "intersperse exclamation marks in the text"snuggle, nestle - position comfortably; "The baby nestled her head in her mother's elbow"pile - place or lay as if in a pile; "The teacher piled work on the students until the parents protested"arrange, set up - put into a proper or systematic order; "arrange the books on the shelves in chronological order"superimpose, superpose, lay over - place on top of; "can you superimpose the two images?"superpose - place (one geometric figure) upon another so that their perimeters coincidepark - place temporarily; "park the car in the yard"; "park the children with the in-laws"; "park your bag in this locker"ensconce, settle - fix firmly; "He ensconced himself in the chair"dispose - place or put in a particular order; "the dots are unevenly disposed"emplace - put into place or position; "the box with the ancestors' ashes was emplaced on the top shelf of the house altar"emplace - provide a new emplacement for gunsship - place on board a ship; "ship the cargo in the hold of the vessel"underlay - put (something) under or beneath; "They underlaid the shingles with roofing paper"trench - set, plant, or bury in a trench; "trench the fallen soldiers"; "trench the vegetables"pigeonhole - place into a small compartmentshelve - place on a shelf; "shelve books"jar - place in a cylindrical vessel; "jar the jam"repose - to put something (eg trust) in something; "The nation reposed its confidence in the King"sign - place signs, as along a road; "sign an intersection"; "This road has been signed"middle - put in the middleparallelize - place parallel to one anotherbutt - place end to end without overlapping; "The frames must be butted at the joints"recess - put into a recess; "recess lights"reposition - place into another positionthrow, thrust - place or put with great energy; "She threw the blanket around the child"; "thrust the money in the hands of the beggar"tee, tee up - place on a tee; "tee golf balls"rack up - place in a rack; "rack pool balls"coffin - place into a coffin; "her body was coffined"bed - put to bed; "The children were bedded at ten o'clock"appose - place side by side or in close proximityplace down, put down, set down - cause to sit or seat or be in a settled position or place; "set down your bags here"sow, seed - place (seeds) in or on the ground for future growth; "She sowed sunflower seeds"misplace - place or position wrongly; put in the wrong position; "misplaced modifiers"juxtapose - place side by side; "The fauvists juxtaposed strong colors"set down - put or settle into a position; "The hotel was set down at the bottom of the valley"bottle - put into bottles; "bottle the mineral water"bucket - put into a bucketbarrel - put in barrelsground - place or put on the groundpillow, rest - rest on or as if on a pillow; "pillow your head"mislay, misplace, lose - place (something) where one cannot find it again; "I misplaced my eyeglasses"upend - set, turn, or stand on end; "upend the box and empty the contents"seat, sit down, sit - show to a seat; assign a seat for; "The host seated me next to Mrs. Smith"seat - place in or on a seat; "the mother seated the toddler on the high chair" | | 2. | set - fix conclusively or authoritatively; "set the rules"determineidentify, place - recognize as being; establish the identity of someone or something; "She identified the man on the 'wanted' poster"date - assign a date to; determine the (probable) date of; "Scientists often cannot date precisely archeological or prehistorical findings"value - fix or determine the value of; assign a value to; "value the jewelry and art work in the estate"filiate - fix the paternity of; "The court filiated the child born out of wedlock"format - determine the arrangement of (data) for storage and display (in computer science)charge - set or ask for a certain price; "How much do you charge for lunch?"; "This fellow charges $100 for a massage"initialise, initialize - assign an initial value to a computer programtax, assess - set or determine the amount of (a payment such as a fine)price - determine the price of; "The grocer priced his wares high" | | 3. | set - decide upon or fix definitely; "fix the variables"; "specify the parameters"specify, fix, limit, determine, definequantify - use as a quantifierchoose, pick out, select, take - pick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives; "Take any one of these cards"; "Choose a good husband for your daughter"; "She selected a pair of shoes from among the dozen the salesgirl had shown her"name - mention and identify by name; "name your accomplices!"reset - set anew; "They re-set the date on the clock"define - give a definition for the meaning of a word; "Define `sadness'" | | 4. | set - establish as the highest level or best performance; "set a record"marklay down, establish, make - institute, enact, or establish; "make laws" | | 5. | set - put into a certain state; cause to be in a certain state; "set the house afire"alter, change, modify - cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue"pitch - set to a certain pitch; "He pitched his voice very low"keynote - set the keynote of; "Comfort keynotes this designer's Fall collection"lay out, set up, set - get ready for a particular purpose or event; "set up an experiment"; "set the table"; "lay out the tools for the surgery"set apart, assign, specify - select something or someone for a specific purpose; "The teacher assigned him to lead his classmates in the exercise"appropriate, earmark, set aside, reserve, allow - give or assign a resource to a particular person or cause; "I will earmark this money for your research"; "She sets aside time for meditation every day"instigate, incite, stir up, set off - provoke or stir up; "incite a riot"; "set off great unrest among the people"activate, actuate, set off, spark, spark off, touch off, trigger, trigger off, trip - put in motion or move to act; "trigger a reaction"; "actuate the circuits"cancel, offset, set off - make up for; "His skills offset his opponent's superior strength" | | 6. | set - fix in a border; "The goldsmith set the diamond"arrange, set up - put into a proper or systematic order; "arrange the books on the shelves in chronological order" | | 7. | set - make ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particular purpose or for some use, event, etc; "Get the children ready for school!"; "prepare for war"; "I was fixing to leave town after I paid the hotel bill"gear up, prepare, ready, fix, set upalter, change, modify - cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue"socialise, socialize - prepare for social life; "Children have to be socialized in school"provide - take measures in preparation for; "provide for the proper care of the passengers on the cruise ship"cram - prepare (students) hastily for an impending examprecondition - put into the required condition beforehandfix - kill, preserve, and harden (tissue) in order to prepare for microscopic studymount - fix onto a backing, setting, or support; "mount slides for macroscopic analysis"lay out, set up, set - get ready for a particular purpose or event; "set up an experiment"; "set the table"; "lay out the tools for the surgery"winterise, winterize - prepare for winter; "winterize cars"; "winterize your houses"summerise, summerize - prepare for summer; "summerize your car"; "summerize a house"prime - insert a primer into (a gun, mine, or charge) preparatory to detonation or firing; "prime a cannon"; "prime a mine"crop, cultivate, work - prepare for crops; "Work the soil"; "cultivate the land"brace, poise - prepare (oneself) for something unpleasant or difficult | | 8. | set - set to a certain position or cause to operate correctly; "set clocks or instruments"adjust, correct, set - alter or regulate so as to achieve accuracy or conform to a standard; "Adjust the clock, please"; "correct the alignment of the front wheels"reset - set to zero; "reset instruments and dials"set ahead, advance - move forward; "we have to advance clocks and watches when we travel eastward"set ahead, advance - move forward; "we have to advance clocks and watches when we travel eastward" | | 9. | set - locate; "The film is set in Africa"localise, localize, placestage, present, represent - perform (a play), especially on a stage; "we are going to stage `Othello'" | | 10. | set - disappear beyond the horizon; "the sun sets early these days"go under, go downastronomy, uranology - the branch of physics that studies celestial bodies and the universe as a wholecome down, descend, go down, fall - move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way; "The temperature is going down"; "The barometer is falling"; "The curtain fell on the diva"; "Her hand went up and then fell again"uprise, ascend, come up, rise - come up, of celestial bodies; "The sun also rises"; "The sun uprising sees the dusk night fled..."; "Jupiter ascends" | | 11. | set - adapt for performance in a different way; "set this poem to music"arrangemusic - an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous mannerprearrange - arrange beforehandcompose, write - write music; "Beethoven composed nine symphonies"put - adapt; "put these words to music"transpose - put (a piece of music) into another keytabularise, tabularize, tabulate, table - arrange or enter in tabular form | | 12. | set - put or set (seeds, seedlings, or plants) into the ground; "Let's plant flowers in the garden"plantlay, place, put, set, position, pose - put into a certain place or abstract location; "Put your things here"; "Set the tray down"; "Set the dogs on the scent of the missing children"; "Place emphasis on a certain point"root - plant by the rootspuddle - dip into mud before planting; "puddle young plants"checkrow - plant in checkrowsbed - place (plants) in a prepared bed of soildibble - plant with a wooden hand tool; "dibble Spring bulbs"afforest, forest - establish a forest on previously unforested land; "afforest the mountains"replant - plant again or anew; "They replanted the land"; "He replanted the seedlings"tree - plant with trees; "this lot should be treed so that the house will be shaded in summer" | | 13. | set - apply or start; "set fire to a building"initiate, originate, start - bring into being; "He initiated a new program"; "Start a foundation" | | 14. | set - become gelatinous; "the liquid jelled after we added the enzyme"congeal, jellsolidify - become solid; "The metal solidified when it cooled" | | 15. | set - set in type; "My book will be typeset nicely"; "set these words in italics"typesetprint, impress - reproduce by printing | | 16. | set - put into a position that will restore a normal state; "set a broken bone"lay, place, put, set, position, pose - put into a certain place or abstract location; "Put your things here"; "Set the tray down"; "Set the dogs on the scent of the missing children"; "Place emphasis on a certain point" | | 17. | set - insert (a nail or screw below the surface, as into a countersink)countersinkbury, sink - embed deeply; "She sank her fingers into the soft sand"; "He buried his head in her lap" | | 18. | set - give a fine, sharp edge to a knife or razorhone - sharpen with a hone; "hone a knife" | | 19. | set - urge to attack someone; "The owner sicked his dogs on the intruders"; "the shaman sics sorcerers on the evil spirits"sicassail, assault, set on, attack - attack someone physically or emotionally; "The mugger assaulted the woman"; "Nightmares assailed him regularly" | | 20. | set - estimate; "We put the time of arrival at 8 P.M."put, placeestimate, gauge, approximate, guess, judge - judge tentatively or form an estimate of (quantities or time); "I estimate this chicken to weigh three pounds" | | 21. | set - equip with sails or masts; "rig a ship"rig, set upequip, fit out, outfit, fit - provide with (something) usually for a specific purpose; "The expedition was equipped with proper clothing, food, and other necessities" | | 22. | set - get ready for a particular purpose or event; "set up an experiment"; "set the table"; "lay out the tools for the surgery"lay out, set upgear up, prepare, ready, set, fix, set up - make ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particular purpose or for some use, event, etc; "Get the children ready for school!"; "prepare for war"; "I was fixing to leave town after I paid the hotel bill" | | 23. | set - alter or regulate so as to achieve accuracy or conform to a standard; "Adjust the clock, please"; "correct the alignment of the front wheels"adjust, correctalter, change, modify - cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue"proportion - adjust in size relative to other thingsmodulate - adjust the pitch, tone, or volume oftemper - adjust the pitch (of pianos)tune, tune up - adjust the pitches of (musical instruments); "My piano needs to be tuned"calibrate, fine-tune, graduate - make fine adjustments or divide into marked intervals for optimal measuring; "calibrate an instrument"; "graduate a cylinder"tune, tune up - adjust for (better) functioning; "tune the engine"time - adjust so that a force is applied and an action occurs at the desired time; "The good player times his swing so as to hit the ball squarely"trim - adjust (sails on a ship) so that the wind is optimally usedzero, zero in - adjust (as by firing under test conditions) the zero of (a gun); "He zeroed in his rifle at 200 yards"zero - adjust (an instrument or device) to zero valuereadjust, reset - adjust again after an initial failureattune - adjust or accustom to; bring into harmony withtime - regulate or set the time of; "time the clock"set - set to a certain position or cause to operate correctly; "set clocks or instruments"regulate, modulate - fix or adjust the time, amount, degree, or rate of; "regulate the temperature"; "modulate the pitch"focalise, focalize, sharpen, focus - put (an image) into focus; "Please focus the image; we cannot enjoy the movie"sync, synchronize, synchronise - make synchronous and adjust in time or manner; "Let's synchronize our efforts"pressurise, pressurize - increase the pressure in or of; "The captain will pressurize the cabin for the passengers' comfort"depressurise, depressurize, decompress - decrease the pressure of; "depressurize the cabin in the air plane"match, fit - make correspond or harmonize; "Match my sweater"plumb - adjust with a plumb line so as to make verticalordinate, align, coordinate - bring (components or parts) into proper or desirable coordination correlation; "align the wheels of my car"; "ordinate similar parts"reconcile, harmonise, harmonize - bring into consonance or accord; "harmonize one's goals with one's abilities"linearise, linearize - make linear or get into a linear form; "a catalyst linearizes polyethylene"justify - adjust the spaces between words; "justify the margins"citify - accustom to urban ways; "Immigration will citify the country?" | | 24. | set - bear fruit; "the apple trees fructify"fructifyprocreate, reproduce, multiply - have offspring or produce more individuals of a given animal or plant; "The Bible tells people to procreate" | | 25. | set - arrange attractively; "dress my hair for the wedding"coiffe, coiffure, coif, arrange, do, dressbob - cut hair in the style of a bob; "Bernice bobs her hair these days!"wave - set waves in; "she asked the hairdresser to wave her hair"neaten, groom - care for one's external appearance; "He is always well-groomed"groom, curry, dress - give a neat appearance to; "groom the dogs"; "dress the horses" | Adj. | 1. | set - (usually followed by `to' or `for') on the point of or strongly disposed; "in no fit state to continue"; "fit to drop"; "laughing fit to burst"; "she was fit to scream"; "primed for a fight"; "we are set to go at any time"primed, fitready - completely prepared or in condition for immediate action or use or progress; "get ready"; "she is ready to resign"; "the bridge is ready to collapse"; "I am ready to work"; "ready for action"; "ready for use"; "the soup will be ready in a minute"; "ready to learn to read" | | 2. | set - fixed and unmoving; "with eyes set in a fixed glassy stare"; "his bearded face already has a set hollow look"- Connor Cruise O'Brien; "a face rigid with pain"fixed, rigidnonmoving, unmoving - not in motion | | 3. | set - situated in a particular spot or position; "valuable centrally located urban land"; "strategically placed artillery"; "a house set on a hilltop"; "nicely situated on a quiet riverbank"located, placed, situatedsettled - established in a desired position or place; not moving about; "nomads...absorbed among the settled people"; "settled areas"; "I don't feel entirely settled here"; "the advent of settled civilization" | | 4. | set - set down according to a plan:"a carefully laid table with places set for four people"; "stones laid in a pattern"laidarranged, ordered - disposed or placed in a particular kind of order; "the carefully arranged chessmen"; "haphazardly arranged interlobular septa"; "comfortable chairs arranged around the fireplace" | | 5. | set - being below the horizon; "the moon is set"down - being or moving lower in position or less in some value; "lay face down"; "the moon is down"; "our team is down by a run"; "down by a pawn"; "the stock market is down today" | | 6. | set - determined or decided upon as by an authority; "date and place are already determined"; "the dictated terms of surrender"; "the time set for the launching"dictated, determinedsettled - established or decided beyond dispute or doubt; "with details of the wedding settled she could now sleep at night" | | 7. | set - converted to solid form (as concrete)hardenedhard - resisting weight or pressure |
set1verb1. put, place, lay, leave, park (informal), position, rest, plant, station, stick, deposit, locate, lodge, situate, plump, plonk He took the case out of her hand and set it on the floor.2. switch on, turn on, activate, programme I forgot to set my alarm and I overslept.3. adjust, regulate, coordinate, rectify, synchronize He set his watch, then waited for five minutes.4. embed, fix, mount, install, fasten a gate set in a high wall5. arrange, decide (upon), settle, name, establish, determine, fix, schedule, appoint, specify, allocate, designate, ordain, fix up, agree upon A date will be set for a future meeting.6. assign, give, allot, prescribe We will train you first before we set you a task.7. create, provide, establish, set up, institute Legal experts said that her case would not set a precedent.8. harden, stiffen, condense, solidify, cake, gel, thicken, crystallize, congeal, jell, coagulate, gelatinize Lower the heat and allow the omelet to set on the bottom.9. go down, sink, dip, decline, disappear, vanish, subside The sun sets at about 4pm in winter.10. prepare, lay, spread, arrange, make ready She had set the table and was drinking coffee at the hearth.11. impose, specify, lay down, decree, ordain the people who set the rules for the tournamentadjective1. established, fixed, specified, planned, decided, agreed, standard, regular, usual, arranged, rigid, definite, customary, inflexible, predetermined, unchanging, hard and fast, immovable, unvarying A set period of fasting is supposed to bring us closer to godliness.2. strict, firm, rigid, hardened, stubborn, entrenched, inflexible, ingrained, deep-seated, deep-rooted, hidebound They have very set ideas about how to get the message across. strict open, free, flexible, open-minded, undecided3. compulsory, required, assigned, recommended, impose, specified, prescribed, stipulated One of the set books is Jane Austen's 'Emma'.4. conventional, stock, standard, traditional, formal, routine, artificial, stereotyped, rehearsed, hackneyed, unspontaneous Use the subjunctive in some set phrases and idioms.5. located, sited, situated, found, perched The castle is set in 25 acres of beautiful land.noun1. scenery, setting, scene, stage setting, stage set, mise-en-scène (French) a movie set2. position, bearing, attitude, carriage, turn, fit, hang, posture the set of his shouldersbe set on or upon something be determined to, be intent on, be resolved to, be bent on, be insistent on, be resolute about She was set on going to an all-girls school.set about someone assault, attack, mug (informal), assail, sail into (informal), lambast(e), belabour Several thugs set about him with clubs.set about something begin, start, get down to, attack, tackle, set to, get to work, sail into (informal), take the first step, wade into, get cracking (informal), make a start on, roll up your sleeves, get weaving (informal), address yourself to, put your shoulder to the wheel (informal) He set about proving she was completely wrong.set forth embark, set off, start out, sally forth Christopher Columbus set forth on his epic journey of discovery.set off leave, set out, depart, embark, start out, sally forth I set off, full of optimism.set on or upon someone attack, beat up, assault, turn on, mug (informal), set about, ambush, go for, sic, pounce on, fly at, work over (slang), assail, sail into (informal), fall upon, lay into (informal), put the boot in (slang), pitch into (informal), let fly at We were set upon by three youths.set out1. embark, set off, start out, begin, get under way, hit the road (slang), take to the road, sally forth When setting out on a long walk, always wear suitable boots.2. determine, decide, purpose, resolve, make up your mind We set out to find the truth behind the story.set someone against someone alienate, oppose, divide, drive a wedge between, disunite, estrange, set at odds, make bad blood between, make mischief between, set at cross purposes, set by the ears (informal), sow dissension amongst The case has set neighbour against neighbour in the village.set someone back (with money or a specified sum of money as object) cost, knock back (Brit. informal) The frock is going to set you back thousands.set someone off upset, make angry, discompose The smallest thing sets him off.set something against something balance, compare, contrast, weigh, juxtapose, place side by side with a considerable sum when set against the maximum wageset something apart distinguish, separate, characterize, single out, individualize, make distinctive, mark as different What sets it apart from hundreds of similar French towns is the huge factory.set something aside1. reserve, keep, save, separate, select, single out, earmark, keep back, set apart, put on one side £130 million would be set aside for repairs to schools.2. ignore, disregard, shrug off, bury, cast aside, put to one side He urged them to set aside minor differences.3. reject, dismiss, reverse, cancel, overturn, discard, quash, overrule, repudiate, annul, nullify, abrogate, render null and void The decision was set aside because one of the judges had links with the defendant.set something back hold up, slow, delay, hold back, hinder, obstruct, retard, impede, slow up a risk of public protest that could set back reformsset something down1. specify, determine, fix, impose, prescribe, lay down, ordain, stipulate, codify It also sets down rules for the maintenance of equipment.2. write down, record, jot down, draft, pen, compose, draw up, put in writing, commit to paper, put down in black and white Old Walter is setting down his memories of village life.set something forth present, describe, explain, detail, advance, relate, define, illustrate, put forward, recount, expound He set forth the basis of his approach to teaching students.set something off1. detonate, trigger (off), explode, ignite, light, set in motion, touch off The school district did not set off the bomb - some students did.2. cause, start, produce, generate, prompt, trigger (off), provoke, bring about, give rise to, spark off, set in motion It set off a storm of speculation.3. enhance, show off, complement, throw into relief, bring out the highlights in Blue suits you - it sets off the colour of your hair.set something out1. arrange, present, display, lay out, exhibit, array, dispose, set forth, expose to view Set out the cakes attractively.2. explain, list, describe, detail, elaborate, recount, enumerate, elucidate, itemize, particularize He has written a letter setting out his views.set something up1. arrange, organize, prepare, make provision for, prearrange an organization that sets up meetings2. establish, begin, found, institute, install, initiate, get going, lay the foundations of He set up the company four years ago.3. build, raise, construct, put up, assemble, put together, erect, elevate The activists set up a peace camp at the border.4. assemble, put up, put together, fix up, rig up I set up the computer so that they could work from home.
set2noun1. series, collection, assortment, kit, outfit, batch, compendium, assemblage, coordinated group, ensemble Only she and Mr Cohen had complete sets of keys to the shop.2. group, company, crowd, circle, class, band, crew (informal), gang, outfit, faction, sect, posse (informal), clique, coterie, schism the popular watering hole for the literary set3. television, TV, telly (Brit. informal), the box (Brit. informal), receiver, the tube (slang), TV set, small screen (informal), gogglebox (Brit. slang), idiot box (slang) We got our first black-and-white set in 1963.4. expression, look the steely determination in the set of her face5. scenery, backdrop, setting, flats, mise en scène (French), stage furniture He achieved fame for his stage sets for the Folies Bergères.set 1verb1. To deposit in a specified place:lay, place, put, stick.2. To put in or assign to a certain position or location:emplace, install, locate, place, position, site, situate, spot.3. To alter for proper functioning:adjust, fix, regulate, tune (up).Music: attune.4. To arrange tableware upon (a table) in preparation for a meal:lay, spread.5. To place (a story, for example) in a designated setting:lay.6. To bring about or come to an agreement concerning:arrange, conclude, fix, negotiate, settle.7. To appoint and send to a particular place:assign, post, station.8. To calculate approximately:approximate, estimate, place, put, reckon.9. To move (a weapon or blow, for example) in the direction of someone or something:aim, cast, direct, head, level, point, train, turn, zero in.Military: lay.10. To change or be changed from a liquid into a soft, semisolid, or solid mass:clot, coagulate, congeal, curdle, gelatinize, jell, jelly.11. To make or become physically hard:cake, concrete, congeal, dry, harden, indurate, petrify, solidify.phrasal verb set aboutTo go about the initial step in doing (something):approach, begin, commence, embark, enter, get off, inaugurate, initiate, institute, launch, lead off, open, set out, set to, start, take on, take up, undertake.Informal: kick off.Idioms: get cracking, get going, get the show on the road.phrasal verb set apartTo make noticeable or different:characterize, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, individualize, mark, signalize, singularize.phrasal verb set asideTo put an end to, especially formally and with authority:abolish, abrogate, annihilate, annul, cancel, invalidate, negate, nullify, vitiate, void.Law: extinguish.phrasal verb set backTo cause to be later or slower than expected or desired:delay, detain, hang up, hold up, lag, retard, slow (down or up), stall.phrasal verb set byTo reserve for the future:keep, lay aside, lay away, lay by, lay in, lay up, put by, salt away, save (up).phrasal verb set down1. To register in or as if in a book:book, catalog, enroll, inscribe, list, write down.2. To come to rest on the ground:alight, land, light, settle, touch down.phrasal verb set forthTo state, as an idea, for consideration:advance, offer, pose, propose, propound, put forward, submit, suggest.phrasal verb set off1. To be the cause of:bring, bring about, bring on, cause, effect, effectuate, generate, induce, ingenerate, lead to, make, occasion, result in, secure, stir (up), touch off, trigger.Idioms: bring to pass, give rise to.2. To stir to action or feeling:egg on, excite, foment, galvanize, goad, impel, incite, inflame, inspire, instigate, motivate, move, pique, prick, prod, prompt, propel, provoke, spur, stimulate, touch off, trigger, work up.3. To endow with beauty and elegance by way of a notable addition:adorn, beautify, embellish, enhance, grace.4. To act as an equalizing weight or force to:balance, compensate, counteract, counterbalance, counterpoise, countervail, make up, offset.5. To make up for:balance, compensate, counterbalance, counterpoise, countervail, neutralize, offset, outweigh, redeem.phrasal verb set out1. To go about the initial step in doing (something):approach, begin, commence, embark, enter, get off, inaugurate, initiate, institute, launch, lead off, open, set about, set to, start, take on, take up, undertake.Informal: kick off.Idioms: get cracking, get going, get the show on the road.2. To work out and arrange the parts or details of:blueprint, design, lay out, map (out), plan.3. To proceed in a specified direction:bear, go, head, make, strike out.phrasal verb set toTo go about the initial step in doing (something):approach, begin, commence, embark, enter, get off, inaugurate, initiate, institute, launch, lead off, open, set about, set out, start, take on, take up, undertake.Informal: kick off.Idioms: get cracking, get going, get the show on the road.phrasal verb set up1. To raise upright:erect, pitch, put up, raise, rear, upraise, uprear.2. To bring into existence formally:constitute, create, establish, found, institute, organize, originate, start.3. Informal. To pay for the food, drink, or entertainment of (another):treat.Informal: stand.Slang: blow.Idiom: stand treat.adjective1. Firmly established by long standing:confirmed, deep-rooted, deep-seated, entrenched, hard-shell, ineradicable, ingrained, inveterate, irradicable, settled.2. In a definite and final form; not likely to change:certain, firm, fixed, flat.3. Fixed and distinct from others:express, particular, special, specific.4. On an unwavering course of action:bent, decided, determined, fixed, intent, resolute.5. In a state of preparedness:ready.Informal: go.Slang: together.Idioms: all set, in working order.
set 2noun1. A number of individuals making up or considered a unit:array, band, batch, bevy, body, bunch, bundle, clump, cluster, clutch, collection, group, knot, lot, party.2. A subdivision of a larger group:category, class, classification, order.3. A group of people sharing an interest, activity, or achievement:circle, crowd, group.4. A particular social group:circle, clique, coterie, crowd.Informal: bunch, gang.5. The properties, backdrops, and other objects arranged for a dramatic presentation:mise en scène, scene, scenery, setting.Translationsset (set) – present participle ˈsetting: past tense, past participle set – verb1. to put or place. She set the tray down on the table. 放置 放2. to put plates, knives, forks etc on (a table) for a meal. Please would you set the table for me? 擺上餐具 摆放餐具3. to settle or arrange (a date, limit, price etc). It's difficult to set a price on a book when you don't know its value. 訂定(價格、日期、限制) 给…定价,定(日期等) 4. to give a person (a task etc) to do. The witch set the prince three tasks; The teacher set a test for her pupils; He should set the others a good example. 請某人進行(某任務) 使某人做...事5. to cause to start doing something. His behaviour set people talking. 招致他人做某事 引起某人着手做某事6. (of the sun etc) to disappear below the horizon. It gets cooler when the sun sets. (日、月)落下 (日、月)落,下沉 7. to become firm or solid. Has the concrete set? 凝固 凝固,凝结 8. to adjust (eg a clock or its alarm) so that it is ready to perform its function. He set the alarm for 7.00 a.m. 設定(鬧鐘) 调准(钟、表) 9. to arrange (hair) in waves or curls. 做頭髮 做头发10. to fix in the surface of something, eg jewels in a ring. 鑲上 镶嵌11. to put (broken bones) into the correct position for healing. They set his broken arm. 接合(骨頭) (骨)接合 adjective1. fixed or arranged previously. There is a set procedure for doing this. 規定的 规定的2. (often with on) ready, intending or determined (to do something). He is set on going. 準備好的,打算 做好准备的3. deliberate. He had the set intention of hurting her. 故意的 故意的4. stiff; fixed. He had a set smile on his face. 生硬的,不自然的 生硬的,不自然的 5. not changing or developing. set ideas. 打定主意的 固定的6. (with with) having something set in it. a gold ring set with diamonds. 鑲有…的 镶嵌…的 noun1. a group of things used or belonging together. a set of carving tools; a complete set of (the novels of) Jane Austen. 套 套2. an apparatus for receiving radio or television signals. a television/radio set. 收音機,電視機 收音机,电视机 3. a group of people. the musical set. 一群同好 一群同伴4. the process of setting hair. a shampoo and set. 做頭髮 做头发5. scenery for a play or film. There was a very impressive set in the final act. 佈景 布景6. a group of six or more games in tennis. She won the first set and lost the next two. (網球)一盤 (比赛中的)局或盘 ˈsetting noun1. a background. This castle is the perfect setting for a murder. 背景,環境 背景,环境 2. an arrangement of jewels in eg a ring. 鑲嵌 镶嵌3. music composed for a poem etc. settings of folk songs. 配樂 配乐ˈsetback noun a delay in progress. 挫折 挫折set phrase a phrase which always occurs in one form, and which cannot be changed. `Of no fixed abode' is a set phrase. 固定說法 固定词组ˈset-square noun a triangular instrument with one right angle, used in geometrical drawing etc. 三角板 三角板ˈsetting-lotion noun a lotion that is used in setting the hair. 頭髮定型液 发型定型液ˌset-ˈto an argument or fight. 爭吵,鬥毆 争吵,殴斗 ˈset-up noun an arrangement. There are several families living together in that house – it's a funny set-up. 安排 安排all set (often with to) ready or prepared (to do something); just on the point of (doing something). We were all set to leave when the phone rang. 準備就緒 准备就绪set about to begin. She set about planning her holiday; How will you set about this task? 著手 开始set (someone) against (someone) to cause (a person) to dislike (another person). She set the children against their father. 挑撥離間 挑拨离间.set aside to keep for a special use or purpose. He set aside some cash for use at the weekend. 預留另作他用 留出为...用set back to delay the progress of. His illness set him back a bit at school. 阻礙 阻碍set down (of a bus etc) to stop and let (passengers) out. The bus set us down outside the post-office. (公車)停靠讓乘客下車 (公共汽车等)中途停车 set in to begin or become established. Boredom soon set in among the children. 開始蔓延,盛行 开始set off1. (sometimes with on) to start a journey. We set off to go to the beach. 出發 出发,动身 2. to cause to start doing something. She had almost stopped crying, but his harsh words set her off again. 讓某人開始… 着手做某事3. to explode or ignite. You should let your father set off all the fireworks. 引爆,引燃 引爆,引燃 set (something or someone) on (someone) to cause (eg dogs) to attack (a person). He set his dogs on me. 放(狗)攻擊(某人) 怂恿,放…攻击… set out1. to start a journey. He set out to explore the countryside. 出發 出发2. to intend. I didn't set out to prove him wrong. 打算 企图set to to start to do something (vigorously). They set to, and finished the work the same day. 開始認真努力 认真开始干set up1. to establish. When was the organization set up? 創立 创立2. to arrange or construct. He set up the apparatus for the experiment. 安裝 装配set up camp to erect tents etc. They set up camp in a field. 搭起帳蓬等 搭起帐蓬等set up house to establish one's own home. He'll soon be earning enough to set up house on his own. 蓋自己的房子 建造自己的房屋set up shop to start a shop. 開設商店 开店,开业 set upon (also set on) to attack. He set upon me in the dark. 襲擊 袭击
set(t) (set) noun a block of stone used in street paving. 鋪路用的石板 铺路用的石板块- Where is the TV set? (US)
Where is the television? (UK) → 哪儿有电视? - How much is the set menu? → 套餐多少钱?
- We'll take the set menu → 我们要这个套餐
*(all) set(to do something) prepared or ready to do something. (*Typically: be ~; get ~.) Are you set to cook the steaks? Yes, the fire is ready, and I'm all set to start.set1. n. a period of time that a band plays without a break; a thirty-minute jam session. We do two sets and then take a twenty-minute break. 2. n. a party. Your set was a totally major bash! put a good/bold face on something, toTo make the best of things. This term has been around since the fourteenth century, and the practice itself, of pretending things are better than they are, is no doubt much older. “Set a good face on a bad matter,” wrote Humphrey Gifford (A Posie of Gilloflowers, 1580).See also: bold, face, good, on, putSee:- (one's) heart is set against (something)
- (one's) heart is set on (something)
- (one's) sun has set
- (one's) tongue is hanging out
- a crystal set
- a set price
- all set
- all set to go
- at a set time
- be (all) set (to do something)
- be (dead) set on (something)
- be carved/set in stone
- be dead set against (someone or something)
- be dead set against something
- be dead set on (something)
- be dead set on something
- be set aback
- be set against (something)
- be set against something/against doing something
- be set fair
- be set in (one's) ways
- be set in cement
- be set in concrete
- be set in your ways
- be set on something/on doing something
- be set to rights
- be, look, etc. set
- cart before the horse, don't put/set the
- clap eyes on (someone or something)
- clap/lay/set eyes on somebody/something
- Come in and sit a spell
- crystal set
- dead set against
- dead set against (someone or something)
- game, set, match
- get (all) set
- get (one's) ears set out
- get ears set out
- get set
- get someone's back up
- get the ball rolling
- get/keep/set/start the ball rolling
- go about your work
- go to work
- go/set about your work
- go/set to work
- have (one's) heart (dead) set against (something)
- have (one's) heart set on (something)
- have a set-to
- have a set-to (with someone or something)
- have heart set against
- have heart set on
- jet set
- jet-set
- jet-setters
- lay (one's) eyes on (something)
- lay at rest
- lay eyes on
- look (all) set (to do something)
- make a dead set at
- make a dead set at (someone or something)
- make a dead set upon (someone or something)
- never set foot in (some place)
- not set foot in (some place)
- not set foot somewhere
- not set the Thames on fire
- not set the woods on fire
- not set the world on fire
- not/never put/set a foot wrong
- not/never set the world on fire
- on a pedestal, put
- on track
- on your mark(s), get set, go
- on your mark, get set, go
- on your marks, get set, go!
- one's heart is set against
- one's heart is set on
- put (one) at (one's) ease
- put (one) to work
- put (one's) (own) house in order
- put (one's) mind at ease
- put (one's) mind to (something)
- put (someone) right
- put (something) in motion
- put (something) to rights
- put a good/bold face on something, to
- put aside
- put down in black and white
- put down to
- put forth
- put mind to
- put one's mind to
- put store by (something or someone)
- put straight
- put the cat among the pigeons
- put/set somebody at ease
- put/set somebody right
- put/set somebody straight
- put/set somebody to work
- put/set somebody's mind at ease/rest
- put/set something in motion
- put/set something to rights
- put/set store by something
- put/set the cat among the pigeons
- put/set the record straight
- put/set your house in order
- put/set/place somebody on a pedestal
- put/set/turn your mind to something
- ready, set, go
- roll a set
- roll a set of (finger)prints
- roll a set of prints
- set
- set (one) against (someone or something)
- set (one) apart (from someone)
- set (one) at (one's) ease
- set (one) back on (one's) feet
- set (one) back on (one's) heels
- set (one) down as (something)
- set (one) on (one's) feet (again)
- set (one) straight
- set (one) up for life
- set (one) up with (someone or something)
- set (one) wise
- set (one's) (own) house in order
- set (one's) back up
- set (one's) cap at (someone)
- set (one's) cap for (someone)
- set (one's) face against (something)
- set (one's) hand to
- set (one's) heart against (something)
- set (one's) heart at rest
- set (one's) heart on (something)
- set (one's) hopes on (someone or something)
- set (one's) mind at ease
- set (one's) mind at rest
- set (one's) mind on (something)
- set (one's) mind to (something)
- set (one's) mind to rest
- set (one's) seal to (something)
- set (one's) shoulder to the wheel
- set (one's) sights high
- set (one's) sights low
- set (one's) sights on (someone or something)
- set (one's) teeth
- set (one's) teeth on edge
- set (oneself) up for a letdown
- set (someone or oneself) up for (something)
- set (someone or something) (up) on a pedestal
- set (someone or something) (up)on (one)
- set (someone or something) above (someone or something)
- set (someone or something) back
- set (someone or something) back from (someone or something else)
- set (someone or something) before (someone or something)
- set (someone or something) loose
- set (someone or something) off
- set (someone or something) to work
- set (someone or something) to work (on something)
- set (someone or something) up
- set (someone) aback
- set (someone) by the ears
- set (someone, something, or oneself) up against (someone or something)
- set (someone, something, or oneself) up as (someone or something)
- set (someone's) pulse racing
- set (something) against (something)
- set (something) apart (for something)
- set (something) aside
- set (something) at rest
- set (something) down
- set (something) down in black and white
- set (something) down in writing
- set (something) down to (something)
- set (something) for (something)
- set (something) in cement
- set (something) in concrete
- set (something) in motion
- set (something) on fire
- set (something) out
- set (something) over (something)
- set (something) right
- set (something) straight
- set (something) to music
- set (something) to rights
- set (up)on (doing something)
- set (up)on (someone or something)
- Set a beggar on horseback, and he'll ride to the devil
- Set a beggar on horseback, and he'll ride to the devil.
- set a great deal by (someone or something)
- set a high/low bar
- set a precedent
- set a spell
- set a thief to catch a thief
- set a trap
- set a trap (for someone or something)
- set a/the/(one's) price (for something)
- set about
- set about (doing something)
- set about doing
- set about your work
- set above
- set afire
- set against
- set alarm bells ringing
- set an example
- set apart
- set apart from
- set aside
- set aside (one's) differences
- set at
- set at odds
- set back
- set back from
- set back on one's heels
- set back the clock
- set before
- set beside
- set by
- set by the ears
- set cap for
- set down
- set down as
- set eyes on
- set eyes on (someone or something)
- set fire to
- set fire to (something)
- set foot
- set foot in
- set foot in (some place)
- set foot in/on something
- set foot on
- set foot on (something or some place)
- set foot somewhere
- set for
- set for life
- set forth
- set forth on
- set forth on (something)
- set forward
- set free
- set free (from something)
- set great store by
- set great store by (something or someone)
- set great store by, to
- set heart against
- set heart on
- set her cap
- set hopes on
- set house in order
- set in
- set in (one's) ways
- set in a place
- set in a type face
- set in cement
- set in concrete
- set in motion
- set in one's ways, be
- set in stone
- set in train
- set in ways
- set in your ways
- set into
- set into (something)
- set light to (something)
- set light to something
- set little by
- set little by (someone or something)
- set mind at ease
- set mind on
- set much by (someone or something)
- set no store by (something or someone)
- set no store in (something or someone)
- set of pipes
- set of wheels
- set off
- set off (for some place)
- set off alarm bells
- set off on
- set off on (something)
- set on
- set on a pedestal, to
- set on fire
- set one back on heels
- set one back on one's feet
- set one on feet
- set one's cap for
- set one's cap for, to
- set one's face against
- set one's heart at rest, to
- set one's heart on
- set one's heart on, to
- set one's mind at rest
- set one's mind on
- set one's seal on
- set one's sights on
- set one's sights on, to
- set one's teeth on edge
- set one's teeth on edge, to
- set out
- set out (for some place)
- set out (one's) stall
- set out to (do something)
- set out to do
- set out your stall
- set over
- set pen to paper
- set price
- set pulses racing
- set right
- set sail
- set sail for (some place)
- set sail for some place
- set sights on
- set somebody's teeth on edge
- set someone back
- set someone back on their heels
- set someone up
- set someone up for something
- set someone's teeth on edge
- set something on fire
- set store by
- set store by (something or someone)
- set store in (something or someone)
- set straight
- set teeth on edge
- set the agenda
- set the ball rolling
- set the bar (high/low)
- set the cat among the pigeons
- set the heather alight
- set the heather on fire
- set the pace
- set the record straight
- set the scene
- set the scene for
- set the scene for (something)
- set the scene/stage
- set the seal on (something)
- set the seal on something
- set the stage for
- set the stage for (something)
- set the stage for something
- set the table
- set the Thames alight
- set the Thames on fire
- set the tone
- set the wheels in motion
- set the woods on fire
- set the world alight
- set the world on fire
- set the/(one's) clock(s) ahead
- set the/(one's) clock(s) back
- set the/(one's) clock(s) forward
- set to
- set to do
- set to music
- set to rights
- set to work
- set to work (doing something)
- set to work (on something)
- set to work on (someone)
- set tongues (a-)wagging
- set tongues wagging
- set type
- set up
- set up against
- set up as
- set up home
- set up house
- set up house/home
- set up housekeeping
- set up shop
- set up shop somewhere
- set upon
- set you back on your heels
- set your cap at
- set your cap at someone
- set your face against
- set your face against something
- set your hand to
- set your heart on
- set your heart on something
- set your heart/mind on something/on doing something
- set your seal to
- set your sights high/low
- set your sights on
- set your sights on something
- set your sights on something/on doing something
- set your teeth
- set your teeth on edge
- setup
- shoulder to the wheel, to put/set one's
- smart set
- someone's sun is set
- strike out on own
- the jet set
- the rot sets in
- the smart set
- think the sun rises and sets on
- tongues wag
Set or Seth (both: sĕt or sāt), in Egyptian religion, god of evil. Set was a sun god of predynastic Egypt, but he gradually degenerated from being a beneficent deity into being a god of evil and darkness. In a widespread Egyptian myth he murdered his brother OsirisOsiris , in Egyptian religion, legendary ruler of predynastic Egypt and god of the underworld. He was the son of the sky goddess Nut and the earth god Geb. The great benefactor of mankind, Osiris brought to the people knowledge of agriculture and civilization. ..... Click the link for more information. and was in turn defeated by Horus, the son of Osiris. The Greeks identified Set with Typhon.
set, in mathematics, collection of entities, called elements of the set, that may be real objects or conceptual entities. Set theory not only is involved in many areas of mathematics but has important applications in other fields as well, e.g., computer technology and atomic and nuclear physics. Definition of Sets A set must be well defined; i.e., for any given object, it must be unambiguous whether or not the object is an element of the set. For example, if a set contains all the chairs in a designated room, then any chair can be determined either to be in or not in the set. If there were no chairs in the room, the set would be called the empty, or null, set, i.e., one containing no elements. A set is usually designated by a capital letter. If A is the set of even numbers between 1 and 9, then A={2, 4, 6, 8}. The braces, {}, are commonly used to enclose the listed elements of a set. The elements of a set may be described without actually being listed. If B is the set of real numbers that are solutions of the equation x2=9, then the set can be written as B={x:x2=9} or B={x|x2=9}, both of which are read: B is the set of all x such that x2=9; hence B is the set {3,−3}. Membership in a set is indicated by the symbol ∈ and nonmembership by ∉; thus, x∈A means that element x is a member of the set A (read simply as "x is a member of A") and y∉A means y is not a member of A. The symbols ⊂ and ⊃ are used to indicate that one set A is contained within or contains another set B; A⊂B means that A is contained within, or is a subset of, B; and A⊃B means that A contains, or is a superset of, B. Operations on Sets There are three basic set operations: intersection, union, and complementation. The intersection of two sets is the set containing the elements common to the two sets and is denoted by the symbol ∩. The union of two sets is the set containing all elements belonging to either one of the sets or to both, denoted by the symbol ∪. Thus, if C={1, 2, 3, 4} and D={3, 4, 5}, then C∩D={3, 4} and C∪D={1, 2, 3, 4, 5}. These two operations each obey the associative lawassociative law, in mathematics, law holding that for a given operation combining three quantities, two at a time, the initial pairing is arbitrary; e.g., using the operation of addition, the numbers 2, 3, and 4 may be combined (2+3)+4=5+4=9 or 2+(3+4)=2+7=9. ..... Click the link for more information. and the commutative lawcommutative law, in mathematics, law holding that for a given binary operation (combining two quantities) the order of the quantities is arbitrary; e.g., in addition, the numbers 2 and 5 can be combined as 2+5=7 or as 5+2=7. ..... Click the link for more information. , and together they obey the distributive lawdistributive law. In mathematics, given any two operations, symbolized by * and +, the first operation, *, is distributive over the second, +, if a*(b+c)=(a*b)+(a*c) for all possible choices of a, b, and c. ..... Click the link for more information. . In any discussion the set of all elements under consideration must be specified, and it is called the universal set. If the universal set is U={1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and A={1, 2, 3}, then the complement of A (written A′) is the set of all elements in the universal set that are not in A, or A′={4, 5}. The intersection of a set and its complement is the empty set (denoted by ∅), or A∩A′=∅; the union of a set and its complement is the universal set, or A∪A′=U. See also symbolic logicsymbolic logic or mathematical logic, formalized system of deductive logic, employing abstract symbols for the various aspects of natural language. Symbolic logic draws on the concepts and techniques of mathematics, notably set theory, and in turn has contributed to ..... Click the link for more information. . Set a young plant raised for subsequent planting in a garden, park, or similar place. Sets of fruit crops are obtained in fruit nurseries; they are usually produced from grafted seedlings (stocks). Sets of berry crops (currant, gooseberry) are one-year-old nongrafted plants. The root suckers of raspberry plants are used as sets. In forestry, sets are young trees that have been raised from seeds or cuttings.
Set (also Seth), in ancient Egyptian religion and mythology, a god initially venerated in the city of Ombos and whose cult then apparently spread throughout Upper Egypt and the northwest part of the Nile Delta. Set was considered a god of the desert and of foreign countries. According to Egyptian mythology, he was the brother and murderer of Osiris and was subsequently defeated by Horus, the son of Osiris. He was depicted in the form of an unidentifiable animal. set[set] (astronomy) Of a celestial body, to cross the visible western horizon while descending. (chemistry) The hardening or solidifying of a plastic or liquid substance. (computer science) A collection of record types. (electronics) The placement of a storage device in a prescribed state, for example, a binary storage cell in the high or 1 state. (engineering) A combination of units, assemblies, and parts connected or otherwise used together to perform an operational function, such as a radar set. In plastics processing, the conversion of a liquid resin or adhesive into a solid state by curing or evaporation of solvent or suspending medium, or by gelling. Saw teeth bent out of the plane of the saw body, resulting in a wide cut in the workpiece. (geology) A group of essentially conformable strata or cross-strata, separated from other sedimentary units by surfaces of erosion, nondeposition, or abrupt change in character. (graphic arts) The fixing or drying of a printing ink on a printed sheet, so that, though not completely dry, the sheet can be handled without smudging. (materials) The hardening or firmness displayed by some materials when left undisturbed. Permanent deformation of a material, such as metal or plastic, when stressed beyond the elastic limit. (mathematics) A collection of objects which has the property that, given any thing, it can be determined whether or not the thing is in the collection. (mechanics) permanent set (mining engineering) frame set (navigation) The establishment of a course. (oceanography) The direction toward which an oceanic current flows. set1. The condition reached by a cement paste, mortar, or concrete when it has lost plasticity to an arbitrary degree; usually measured in terms of resistance to penetration or deformation; initial set refers to first stiffening, final set to attainment of significant rigidity. 2. The hydration and hardening of a gypsum plaster. 3. To convert a liquid resin or an adhesive to a hardened state by chemical or physical action such as condensation, polymerization, oxidation, vulcanization, gelation, hydration, or the evaporation of volatile constituents. 4.See saw set.5. In plastering, to apply a finishing coat. 6. To drive a nail below the surface of the wood (with the use of a nail set). 7. The strain remaining after complete release of the load producing a deformation. 8. Collectively, the pieces of scenery that make up a theatrical scene. 9. To coat the back surface of a tile so that it will adhere to the surface to which it is applied.set1. Maths logica. a collection of numbers, objects, etc., that is treated as an entity: {3, the moon} is the set the two members of which are the number 3 and the moon b. (in some formulations) a class that can itself be a member of other classes 2. any apparatus that receives or transmits television or radio signals 3. Tennis squash badminton one of the units of a match, in tennis one in which one player or pair of players must win at least six games 4. a. the number of couples required for a formation dance b. a series of figures that make up a formation dance 5. a. a band's or performer's concert repertoire on a given occasion b. a continuous performance SET (security)Secure Electronic Transaction.SET (electronics)Single Electron Tunneling.SET (standard)Standard d'Echange et de Transfert.set (4)A collection of objects, known as the elements of the set,specified in such a way that we can tell in principle whetheror not a given object belongs to it. E.g. the set of all primenumbers, the set of zeros of the cosine function.
For each set there is a predicate (or property) which istrue for (possessed by) exactly those objects which areelements of the set. The predicate may be defined by the setor vice versa. Order and repetition of elements within theset are irrelevant so, for example, 1, 2, 3 = 3, 2, 1 =1, 3, 1, 2, 2.
Some common set of numbers are given the following names:
N = the natural numbers 0, 1, 2, ...
Z = the integers ..., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ...
Q = the rational numbers p/q where p, q are in Z and q /= 0.
R = the real numbers
C = the complex numbers.
The empty set is the set with no elements. The intersectionof two sets X and Y is the set containing all the elements xsuch that x is in X and x is in Y. The union of two sets isthe set containing all the elements x such that x is in X or xis in Y.
See also set complement.Set(1) An internal DOS/Windows command that sets environment variables, which are stored values used by the operating system and many applications. To display the current values, type:
SETTING A VALUE The set command creates an environment variable and places a value into it. Blank spaces matter. The following examples create NEWVAR with a value of "a."
set newvar=a create newvar with "a" set newvar= a create newvar with " a" set newvar= delete newvar
(2) (SET) (Secure Electronic Transaction) A standard protocol from MasterCard and Visa for securing online credit card payments via the Internet. In this three-way transaction, the user, merchant and bank must use the SET protocols.
Credit card data and a digital certificate (for authentication) is stored in a plug-in to the user's Web browser. The order is received by a SET-enabled merchant server that passes encrypted payment information to the bank. Approval is electronically sent to the merchant.set
set (set), 1. A readiness to perceive or respond in some way; an attitude that facilitates or predetermines an outcome, for example, prejudice or bigotry as a set to respond negatively, independently of the merits of the stimulus. 2. To reduce a fracture, that is, to bring the bones back into a normal position or alignment. 3. Defined group of events, objects, data, distinguishable from other groups. [M.E. sette, fr. O.Fr., fr. Med. L. secta, course, fr. sequor, to follow] set (sĕt)v.1. To put into a stable position.2. To fix firmly or in an immobile manner.3. To become fixed or hardened; coagulate.4. To bring the bones of a fracture back into a normal position or alignment.n.1. The act or process of setting.2. The condition resulting from setting.3. A permanent firming or hardening of a substance, as by cooling.4. The carriage or bearing of a part of the body.5. A particular psychological state, usually that of anticipation or preparedness.set Drug slang A regional term for a place where illicit drugs are sold. Vox populi A collection; a grouping of similar things.set (set) 1. To reduce a fracture, i.e., to bring the fragments back into a normal position or alignment. 2. A readiness to perceive or to respond in some way; a mindset; an attitude that affects or predetermines an outcome, e.g., prejudice or bigotry.[M.E. sette, fr. O.Fr., fr. Med. L. secta, course, fr. sequor, to follow]set (set) 1. Readiness to perceive or respond in some way; attitude that facilitates or predetermines an outcome, e.g., prejudice or bigotry as a set to respond negatively, independently of merits of the stimulus. 2. To reduce a fracture, i.e., to bring bones back into a normal position or alignment. 3. Defined group of events, objects, data, distinguishable from other groups. [M.E. sette, fr. O.Fr., fr. Med. L. secta, course, fr. sequor, to follow]Patient discussion about setQ. What she should do, if found positive? my wife who is 31 years, had breast cancer history in her family and I have advised her to have a test. She will have her test done next week. What she should do, if found positive?A. I think you must pray that she is not positive, but if found positive let the doctor start the treatment and she should cooperate with doctor. She needs to learn about her problem and also the ways to cope them, like by having good diet and fitness, which she would require when the treatment or surgery will be done. Thanks ....and hope she is not positive… Q. What are carbohydrates and where they are found and what is their nutritional value? A. You got it. Q. how can i deal with my newly found pulic speaking anxiety? A. From what I understand, some studies have shown that more people harbor a fear of public speaking than do of death. My best advice would be to begin by practicing speaking before a mirror, picturing someone else's face. Then try speaking before friends. Community colleges and adult learning programs often have classes/workshops on speech, and I personally found such a class to have been extremely valuable. Best of luck to you. More discussions about setSet
setv. to schedule, as to "set a case for trial." SET, contracts. Foreign bills of exchange are generally drawn in parts; as, "pay this my first bill of exchange, second and third of the same tenor and date not paid;" the whole of these parts, which make but one bill, are called a set. Chit. Bills, 175, 6, (edition of 1836); 2 Pardess. n. 342. SET
Acronym | Definition |
SET➣Set (assembly language directive) | SET➣Driver Set (file name extension) | SET➣Stock Exchange of Thailand | SET➣Science, Engineering and Technology | SET➣Sony Entertainment Television | SET➣Image Settings (file name extension) | SET➣Special Education Technology | SET➣Science Education and Technology | SET➣Self-Employment Tax | SET➣Secure Electronic Transaction | SET➣Secondary Education Teaching | SET➣Safety Education and Training | SET➣Student Evaluation of Teaching (various schools) | SET➣Self Evaluation Tool | SET➣Self-Employment Training | SET➣Single Embryo Transfer (fertility treatment) | SET➣System Engineering Team | SET➣Serotonin Transporter | SET➣Software Engineering Technology | SET➣Senior Executive Team | SET➣Social Events Team (various organizations) | SET➣Stora Enso Timber (Finland and Sweden) | SET➣State Education Tax | SET➣Single-Electron Transistor | SET➣Social Exchange Theory | SET➣Single Ended Triode (topology in tube amplifiers) | SET➣Science and Engineering Technology (USACE) | SET➣Sound Editing Tool | SET➣Special Edition Turbo | SET➣Security Enhancement Tool | SET➣Single Ended Terminated | SET➣Settings File | SET➣Self Expanding Trunk | SET➣Safety Environment Technology | SET➣Sustainable Energy Technology (various organizations) | SET➣Special Enforcement Team | SET➣Société, Environnement, Territoire (French: Company, Environment, Land; laboratory) | SET➣South Eastern Trains (UK) | SET➣Source Evaluation Team (various organizations) | SET➣Single-Electron Tunneling | SET➣Single-Electron Transfer | SET➣Secure Encryption Technology | SET➣Scanner Enhancement Technology | SET➣Southeast Toyota Distributors, LLC | SET➣Secure Electronic Transaction LLC | SET➣Secure Electronic Transfer | SET➣Single Event Transient (electronics in space) | SET➣Submarine Escape Training | SET➣Similarity-Enhanced Transfer | SET➣Society of Engineering Technologists | SET➣Space Education Trust (UK; est. 1988) | SET➣Senior Engineering Team | SET➣Step Envelope Tracking (microwave theory) | SET➣Skin Endpoint Titration | SET➣Security Escort Team | SET➣Laboratoire Systèmes et Transports (French: Laboratory Systems and Transport; Montbeliard, France) | SET➣Space Environment Technologies | SET➣Space Environment Testbed | SET➣Institute for System Design Technology (GMD, Germany) | SET➣Senior English Test (English as a foreign language qualification) | SET➣Software Engineering Technician | SET➣Specialized English Training | SET➣Système Etude Technique (French: Technical Study System; educational technology company) | SET➣Société d'Equipement de la Touraine (French: Touraine Development Company) | SET➣System Embedded Training | SET➣Student Education and Training Plans | SET➣Sciences de l'Environnement Terrestre (French: Environmental Land Science) | SET➣Standard d'Echange et de Transfer | SET➣Simultaneous Engineering Technology | SET➣Situational Emergency Training | SET➣Simple End-point Terminal (H.323) | SET➣Solar Energy Thermionic (JPL program) | SET➣System Engineering Testbed | SET➣Skills Evaluator Trainer | SET➣Special Evaluation Tests | SET➣Seal Encoding Technology (anti-fraud technology from EnSeal Systems Ltd.) | SET➣Sanctuary Enforcement Team | SET➣Synchronous Encodings in Tandem | SET➣Squad Engagement Trainer | SET➣Social Enrichment Training | SET➣Selective Electronic Test | SET➣Superconducting Electronically Tunable | SET➣St Charles, Mo - St Charles County Smartt Airport |
Synonyms for setverb to deposit in a specified placeSynonymsverb to put in or assign to a certain position or locationSynonyms- emplace
- install
- locate
- place
- position
- site
- situate
- spot
verb to alter for proper functioningSynonyms- adjust
- fix
- regulate
- tune
- attune
verb to arrange tableware upon (a table) in preparation for a mealSynonymsverb to place (a story, for example) in a designated settingSynonymsverb to bring about or come to an agreement concerningSynonyms- arrange
- conclude
- fix
- negotiate
- settle
verb to appoint and send to a particular placeSynonymsverb to calculate approximatelySynonyms- approximate
- estimate
- place
- put
- reckon
verb to move (a weapon or blow, for example) in the direction of someone or somethingSynonyms- aim
- cast
- direct
- head
- level
- point
- train
- turn
- zero in
- lay
verb to change or be changed from a liquid into a soft, semisolid, or solid massSynonyms- clot
- coagulate
- congeal
- curdle
- gelatinize
- jell
- jelly
verb to make or become physically hardSynonyms- cake
- concrete
- congeal
- dry
- harden
- indurate
- petrify
- solidify
phrase set about: to go about the initial step in doing (something)Synonyms- approach
- begin
- commence
- embark
- enter
- get off
- inaugurate
- initiate
- institute
- launch
- lead off
- open
- set out
- set to
- start
- take on
- take up
- undertake
- kick off
phrase set apart: to make noticeable or differentSynonyms- characterize
- differentiate
- discriminate
- distinguish
- individualize
- mark
- signalize
- singularize
phrase set aside: to put an end to, especially formally and with authoritySynonyms- abolish
- abrogate
- annihilate
- annul
- cancel
- invalidate
- negate
- nullify
- vitiate
- void
- extinguish
phrase set back: to cause to be later or slower than expected or desiredSynonyms- delay
- detain
- hang up
- hold up
- lag
- retard
- slow
- stall
phrase set by: to reserve for the futureSynonyms- keep
- lay aside
- lay away
- lay by
- lay in
- lay up
- put by
- salt away
- save
phrase set down: to register in or as if in a bookSynonyms- book
- catalog
- enroll
- inscribe
- list
- write down
phrase set down: to come to rest on the groundSynonyms- alight
- land
- light
- settle
- touch down
phrase set forth: to state, as an idea, for considerationSynonyms- advance
- offer
- pose
- propose
- propound
- put forward
- submit
- suggest
phrase set off: to be the cause ofSynonyms- bring
- bring about
- bring on
- cause
- effect
- effectuate
- generate
- induce
- ingenerate
- lead to
- make
- occasion
- result in
- secure
- stir
- touch off
- trigger
phrase set off: to stir to action or feelingSynonyms- egg on
- excite
- foment
- galvanize
- goad
- impel
- incite
- inflame
- inspire
- instigate
- motivate
- move
- pique
- prick
- prod
- prompt
- propel
- provoke
- spur
- stimulate
- touch off
- trigger
- work up
phrase set off: to endow with beauty and elegance by way of a notable additionSynonyms- adorn
- beautify
- embellish
- enhance
- grace
phrase set off: to act as an equalizing weight or force toSynonyms- balance
- compensate
- counteract
- counterbalance
- counterpoise
- countervail
- make up
- offset
phrase set off: to make up forSynonyms- balance
- compensate
- counterbalance
- counterpoise
- countervail
- neutralize
- offset
- outweigh
- redeem
phrase set out: to go about the initial step in doing (something)Synonyms- approach
- begin
- commence
- embark
- enter
- get off
- inaugurate
- initiate
- institute
- launch
- lead off
- open
- set about
- set to
- start
- take on
- take up
- undertake
- kick off
phrase set out: to work out and arrange the parts or details ofSynonyms- blueprint
- design
- lay out
- map
- plan
phrase set out: to proceed in a specified directionSynonymsphrase set to: to go about the initial step in doing (something)Synonyms- approach
- begin
- commence
- embark
- enter
- get off
- inaugurate
- initiate
- institute
- launch
- lead off
- open
- set about
- set out
- start
- take on
- take up
- undertake
- kick off
phrase set up: to raise uprightSynonyms- erect
- pitch
- put up
- raise
- rear
- upraise
- uprear
phrase set up: to bring into existence formallySynonyms- constitute
- create
- establish
- found
- institute
- organize
- originate
- start
phrase set up: to pay for the food, drink, or entertainment of (another)Synonymsadj firmly established by long standingSynonyms- confirmed
- deep-rooted
- deep-seated
- entrenched
- hard-shell
- ineradicable
- ingrained
- inveterate
- irradicable
- settled
adj in a definite and final form; not likely to changeSynonymsadj fixed and distinct from othersSynonyms- express
- particular
- special
- specific
adj on an unwavering course of actionSynonyms- bent
- decided
- determined
- fixed
- intent
- resolute
adj in a state of preparednessSynonymsnoun a number of individuals making up or considered a unitSynonyms- array
- band
- batch
- bevy
- body
- bunch
- bundle
- clump
- cluster
- clutch
- collection
- group
- knot
- lot
- party
noun a subdivision of a larger groupSynonyms- category
- class
- classification
- order
noun a group of people sharing an interest, activity, or achievementSynonymsnoun a particular social groupSynonyms- circle
- clique
- coterie
- crowd
- bunch
- gang
noun the properties, backdrops, and other objects arranged for a dramatic presentationSynonyms- mise en scène
- scene
- scenery
- setting