Townsend, Mount
Townsend, Mount,
7,247 ft (2,209 m) high, SE New South Wales, in the Australian AlpsAustralian Alps,chain of mountain ranges, SE Australia, in the state of Victoria and New South Wales, making up the southern part of the Eastern Highlands and forming the watershed between the Murray River system and streams flowing into the Tasman Sea.
..... Click the link for more information. . The second tallest peak in Australia, it was explored by Polish-British geologist Sir Paul Strzelecki, who believed it to be Australia's highest point, and he named it Mt. Kosciusko, in honor of the Polish patriot. When the present Mt. KosciuszkoKosciuszko, Mount
, 7,310 ft (2,228 m) high, SE New South Wales, Australia, in the Australian Alps; highest peak on the continent of Australia. Located in Kosciuszko National Park, the peak is a popular hiking destination in the summer. It was originally called Mt.
..... Click the link for more information. , formerly called Mt. Townsend, was discovered to be higher, the names were swapped (1892).