

单词 to wit

to wit

wit 1

W0189800 (wĭt) n. 1. a. The natural ability to perceive and understand; intelligence. b. often wits Practical intelligence; shrewdness or resourcefulness: living by one's wits. c. wits Sound mental faculties; sanity: scared out of my wits. d. Archaic A person of exceptional intelligence. 2. a. The ability to express oneself intelligently in a playful or humorous manner, often in overturning audience expectations: a writer with a scintillating wit. b. A person noted for this ability, especially in conversation: "My mother, the family wit and teaser, knew better than to joke about the disaster" (Donald Hall). c. Intelligent playfulness or humor in expression, as in speech, writing, or art: novels known for their wit and inventiveness. Idioms: at (one's) wits' end At the limit of one's mental resources; utterly at a loss. have (or keep) (one's) wits about (one)To remain alert or calm, especially in a crisis.
[Middle English, from Old English; see weid- in the Appendix of Indo-European roots.]

wit 2

W0189800 (wĭt)v. wist (wĭst), wit·ting (wĭt′ĭng), first and third person singular present tense wot (wŏt) Archaic v.tr. To be or become aware of; learn.v.intr. To know.Idiom: to wit That is to say; namely.
[Middle English, from Old English witan; see weid- in Indo-European roots.]
Adv.1.to wit - as followsnamely, that is to say, videlicet, viz.
à savoirc'est-à-direciocioènamelijkte weten

to wit

to wit

That is; more precisely; namely. Often used in technical or formal writing. The officer testified to having found several grams of a Class B narcotic, to wit, cocaine, on the defendant's person at the time of arrest. The plot is absolutely absurd, such as it is—to wit, an axe-wielding murderer teams up with a cyborg cop to stop an alien invasion.See also: wit

to wit

namely; that is; that is to say. The criminal was punished; to wit, he received a 20-year sentence. Many students, to wit Mary, Bill, Sue, and Anne, complained about their teacher.See also: wit

to wit

That is to say, namely, as in There are three good reasons for not going, to wit, we don't want to, we don't have to, and we can't get a reservation . This expression comes from the now archaic verb to wit, meaning "know or be aware of," not heard except in this usage. [Late 1500s] See also: wit

to ˈwit

(old-fashioned, formal) used when you are about to be more exact about something you have just referred to: I told him I only spoke one foreign language, to wit French.See also: wit

to wit

That is to say; namely.See also: wit

to wit

Namely, that is to say. This expression comes from the sixteenth-century archaic verb to wit, meaning to know or be aware of. The current usage has long been a cliché. It often appears before a list of some kind, as in, “His whole family plans to attend, to wit, his parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, and cousins.”See also: wit

To Wit

To Wit

That is to say; namely.

to wit

prep. that is to say. Example: "the passengers in the vehicle, to wit: Arlene Jones, Betty Bumgartner and Sherry Younger."

to wit

  • adv

Synonyms for to wit

adv as follows


  • namely
  • that is to say
  • videlicet
  • viz.




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