Acronym | Definition |
TAM➣Technology Acceptance Model |
TAM➣Tamil |
TAM➣Television Audience Measurement |
TAM➣Toyota Astra Motor (Indonesia) |
TAM➣Technical Advice Memorandum (IRS) |
TAM➣Technical Account Manager |
TAM➣Total Available Market |
TAM➣Theoretical and Applied Mechanics |
TAM➣Telephone Answering Machine |
TAM➣The Amaz!ng Meeting (James Randi Educational Foundation) |
TAM➣Torrance Art Museum (Torrance, CA) |
TAM➣Thanks A Million |
TAM➣Tivoli Access Manager (IBM) |
TAM➣Turn Around Maintenance |
TAM➣Third Avenue Management (various locations) |
TAM➣the Assistant Manager |
TAM➣Telecommunication Access Method |
TAM➣Tivoli Access Manager |
TAM➣Toyota Astra Motor |
TAM➣Turkiye Arastirmalar Merkezi (Turkish: Center for Studies on Turkey) |
TAM➣Tacoma Art Museum (Tacoma, WA) |
TAM➣Telecom Application Map (TM forum) |
TAM➣Transports de l'Agglomération de Montpellier (French) |
TAM➣Textile and Apparel Management |
TAM➣Test Access Mechanism |
TAM➣Turnaround Management |
TAM➣Transportation Authority of Marin (San Rafael, CA) |
TAM➣Total Addressable Market |
TAM➣TV Audience Measurement (Gallup poll) |
TAM➣Time and Materials |
TAM➣Tampico, Tamaulipas, Mexico (Airport Code) |
TAM➣Twelve Angry Men (movie) |
TAM➣Tile Assembly Model (mathematics) |
TAM➣Tumor-Associated Macrophage |
TAM➣Targeted Advertising Marketing (awards; St. Louis Business Marketing Association; St. Louis, MO) |
TAM➣Transporte Aéreo Militar (Military Air Transport, Guatemala) |
TAM➣Twentieth Anniversary Mac |
TAM➣Tower Asset Management (Tower Financial Services Group Limited; New Zealand) |
TAM➣Tense Aspect Mood (linguistics) |
TAM➣Te Amo Muito |
TAM➣Tanque Argentino Mediano (Argentine Medium Tank) |
TAM➣Transportation Acquisition Manual |
TAM➣Telecommunications Association of Michigan |
TAM➣Total Absence Management (employee work absence) |
TAM➣Telephone Association of Maine |
TAM➣Théatre André Malraux (French theater) |
TAM➣Training Assessment Model |
TAM➣Three-Axis Magnetometer |
TAM➣Test Access Matrix (testing server on an ADSL network) |
TAM➣Tax Authority Master |
TAM➣That Amuses Me |
TAM➣Traditional and Alternative Medicine |
TAM➣Technical Area Manager |
TAM➣Texton Aero Mexico (Chihuahua, Mexico) |
TAM➣Think-Aloud Method |
TAM➣Tenner-A-Month (UK internet dial-up account fee) |
TAM➣Trace Assertion Method |
TAM➣Thyroid Awareness Month (January) |
TAM➣Team Action Meeting |
TAM➣Thalassaemia Association of Malaysia |
TAM➣Tamil Monolingual (font) |
TAM➣Transportation Aircraft Maintenance |
TAM➣Training Assessment Module (US Army) |
TAM➣Trade Assessment Mechanism (EU) |
TAM➣Taxi Aéro Marilia (Brazilian Air Line) |
TAM➣Tertiary Assessment and Moderation (New Zealand) |
TAM➣Transport Alpes Maritimes |
TAM➣Tactical Aerodynamic Missile |
TAM➣Tire Assembly Machine |
TAM➣Theater Analysis Model |
TAM➣Technology Area Manager |
TAM➣Table Assignment Matrix |
TAM➣Tropical Asian Monsoon Region |
TAM➣Telecommunications Applications Map |
TAM➣Total Annual Market |
TAM➣Task Area Manager |
TAM➣Target Area Model |
TAM➣Teresian Apostolic Movement |
TAM➣Table Authorized Material |
TAM➣Transportes Aéreos Marília SA (Brazilian Airline) |
TAM➣Tactical Airlift Model |
TAM➣Task Assignment Metric |
TAM➣Tokyo Automated Machinery |
TAM➣Team Activity Manager (job title) |
TAM➣Task Area Monitor |
TAM➣Terminal Area Model |
TAM➣Toxoid Antitoxin Mixture |
TAM➣Telenet Access Management system |
TAM➣Tool Aerospace Material |
TAM➣Task Authorization Memorandum |
TAM➣TEMPEST Advisory Message |
TAM➣Target Architecture Module (US Army) |
TAM➣Test Acquisition Module |
TAM➣Teoplitz Approximation Method |
TAM➣Tank Area Manager |
TAM➣Transmit Analog Maintenance (Nortel) |
TAM➣Task Assignment Memorandum |
TAM➣Target Activated Munition |
TAM➣TotalNet Administration and Management Server (Fujitsu) |
TAM➣Treat As Made (UK) |
TAM➣Telecommunications Association of Maryland |