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probability density function
probability density function n (Statistics) statistics a function representing the relative distribution of frequency of a continuous random variable from which parameters such as its mean and variance can be derived and having the property that its integral from a to b is the probability that the variable lies in this interval. Its graph is the limiting case of a histogram as the amount of data increases and the class intervals decrease in size. Also called: density function Compare cumulative distribution function, frequency distribution probabil′ity den`sity func`tion n. 1. a function of a continuous variable whose integral over a region gives the probability that a random variable falls within the region. 2. a function of a discrete variable whose sum over a discrete set gives the probability of occurrence of a specified value. [1935–40]
probability density function
probability density function[‚präb·ə′bil·əd·ē ¦den·səd·ē ‚fəŋk·shən] (statistics) A real-valued function whose integral over any set gives the probability that a random variable has values in this set. Also known as density function; frequency function. MedicalSeefunctionProbability density function
Probability density functionThe function that describes the change of certain realizations for a continuous random variable.Probability FunctionIn statistics, a measure of the probable distribution of some random variable. When plotted on a chart, the area under the graph represents the probable values of the random variable. It is used in foreign exchange and equities as a means of assessing probable future market trends.AcronymsSeePDF |