Bender gestalt test

Ben·der Vis·u·al Mo·tor Ges·talt test

(ben'dĕr), a psychological test used by neurologists and clinical psychologists to measure a person's ability to visually copy a set of geometric designs; useful for measuring visuospatial and visuomotor coordination to detect brain damage. Synonym(s): Bender gestalt test

Ben·der ge·stalt test

(ben'dĕr gesh-tahlt' test) A psychological test used by neurologists and clinical psychologists to measure a person's ability to copy visually a set of geometric designs; useful for measuring visuospatial and visuomotor coordination to detect brain damage.


Lauretta, U.S. psychiatrist, 1897-1987. Bender gestalt test - a psychological test used for measuring visuospatial and visuomotor coordination to detect brain damage. Synonym(s): Bender Visual Motor Gestalt testBender Visual Motor Gestalt test - Synonym(s): Bender gestalt test