(Veterinary Medicine), a monthly scientific-industrial journal on veterinary problems, an organ of the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR. It has been published in Moscow since 1924. The name of the journal has changed: from 1924 it was called Prakticheskaia veterinariia i konevodstvo (Practical Veterinary Medicine and Horsebreeding); from 1928 to 1932, Prakticheskaia veterinariia (Practical Veterinary Medicine); from 1932 to 1940, Sovetskaia veterinariia (Soviet Veterinary Medicine); and since 1941, Veterinariia (Veterinary Medicine). The journal illuminates the achievements of science and advanced experimentation in the prophylaxis and treatment of diseases of agricultural and game animals, in the veterinary-sanitary appraisal of products of animal origin, in organizing veterinary services, in zoohygiene, and so on. In 1970 its circulation was 150,000 copies.