

单词 session



a meeting; a period of time
Not to be confused with:cession – act of ceding, as of territory


C0217500 (sĕsh′ən)n.1. a. A meeting of a legislative or judicial body for the purpose of transacting business.b. A series of such meetings.c. The term or duration of time that is taken by such a series of meetings.2. The part of a year or of a day during which a school holds classes.3. A period of time devoted to a specific activity: a recording session at a music studio; a login session that was disrupted by a power outage.
[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin sessiō, sessiōn-, act of sitting, from sessus, past participle of sedēre, to sit; see sed- in Indo-European roots.]
ses′sion·al adj.ses′sion·al·ly adv.


(ˈsɛʃən) n1. (Law) the meeting of a court, legislature, judicial body, etc, for the execution of its function or the transaction of business2. (Law) a single continuous meeting of such a body3. (Law) a series or period of such meetings4. (Education) education a. the time during which classes are heldb. a school or university term or year5. (Protestantism) Presbyterian Church the judicial and administrative body presiding over a local congregation and consisting of the minister and elders6. (Music, other) a meeting of a group of musicians to record in a studio7. a meeting of a group of people to pursue an activity8. any period devoted to an activity9. (Law) See Court of Session[C14: from Latin sessiō a sitting, from sedēre to sit] ˈsessional adj ˈsessionally adv


(ˈsɛʃ ən)

n. 1. the sitting together of a court, council, legislature, or the like, for conference or the transaction of business: Congress is now in session. 2. a single continuous meeting or series of meetings of persons so assembled. 3. the period or term of such meetings. 4. sessions, (in English law) the sittings or a sitting of justices in court, usu. to deal with minor offenses, grant licenses, etc. 5. a portion of the day or year into which instruction is organized at a school, college, or the like. 6. a period of time during which two or more persons meet to pursue a particular activity: a study session. [1350–1400; Middle English < Medieval Latin sessiō, Latin: sitting] ses′sion•al, adj.


 a group of judges, administrators, or other persons in session.
Noun1.session - a meeting for execution of a group's functionssession - a meeting for execution of a group's functions; "it was the opening session of the legislature"group discussion, conference - a discussion among participants who have an agreed (serious) topicsitting - a session as of a legislature or courtclinic - meeting for diagnosis of problems and instruction or remedial work in a particular activityclosed session, executive session - a session (usually of a legislative body) that is closed to the publichearing - a session (of a committee or grand jury) in which witnesses are called and testimony is taken; "the investigative committee will hold hearings in Chicago"skull session - a session (as of executives or advisors) to discuss policy or strategy or to solve problems or exchange ideasspecial session - a session that is held in addition to the regular sessionstutorial - a session of intensive tuition given by a tutor to an individual or to a small number of students
2.session - the time during which a school holds classessession - the time during which a school holds classes; "they had to shorten the school term"academic session, academic term, school termacademic year, school year - the period of time each year when the school is open and people are studyingterm - a limited period of time; "a prison term"; "he left school before the end of term"summer school - an academic session during the summer; usually for remedial or supplementary studysemester - one of two divisions of an academic yeartrimester - one of three divisions of an academic yearquarter - one of four periods into which the school year is divided; "the fall quarter ends at Christmas"
3.session - a meeting devoted to a particular activity; "a filming session"; "a gossip session"coming together, meeting - the social act of assembling for some common purpose; "his meeting with the salesmen was the high point of his day"class period, course session, recitation - a regularly scheduled session as part of a course of study
4.session - a meeting of spiritualistssession - a meeting of spiritualists; "the seance was held in the medium's parlor"seance, sittingspirit rapping, table rapping, table tapping - alleged form of communication with spirits of the deadtable lifting, table tilting, table tipping, table turning - manipulation of a table during a seance; attributed to spiritsget together, meeting - a small informal social gathering; "there was an informal meeting in my living room"


noun1. meeting, hearing, sitting, term, period, conference, congress, discussion, assembly, seminar, get-together (informal) an emergency session of parliament2. period, stretch, spell, time, bout Ten players have failed drug tests following a training session.3. (Informal) booze up, binge, bender (Brit. informal) (informal), pub crawl (Brit.), piss-up (Brit. taboo slang), sesh (slang) We had a bit of a session one night.


(ˈseʃən) noun1. a meeting, or period for meetings, of a court, council, parliament etc. The judge will give his summing up at tomorrow's court session. 一次(屆)會議,一次開庭 (议会等)会议,(法庭)开庭 2. a period of time spent on a particular activity. a filming session. 活動的一段期間 (进行某活动连续的)一段时间 3. a university or school year or one part of this. the summer session. 學年中的一段期間 学期




bull session

Any informal, spontaneous, and lengthy conversation or discussion among a group of people, especially men. Primarily heard in US, South Africa. My co-workers and I like to have bull sessions in the restaurant after we close for the night.See also: bull, session

bitch session

rude slang A period of complaining or griping about something. If you leave dishes out again, it will definitely lead to another bitch session with Marjorie—she's not happy unless everything is perfectly put away.See also: bitch, session

rap session

A conversation or discussion between two or more people. The principal said she wanted to have a quick rap session with me about my plans after high school. I'd love to hear your ideas, Jared. Come into my office later for a quick rap session.See also: rap, session

rump session

A smaller conference or meeting that occurs after a larger one. As usual, there will be a rump session in the evening following the cyber-security conference that addresses concerns specific to small-business owners. The top brass all got together for a rump session after the AGM to discuss how best to steer the company moving forward.See also: rump, session

in session

Currently gathered and in the process of conferring about or working on some thing. Hey, no one is allowed in there while the meeting is in session! I haven't been able to talk to the lawyer yet because court is still in session.See also: session

in session

[of a court, congress, or other organization] operating or functioning. Use of cameras is forbidden while the meeting is in session. The spectators must remain quiet while court is in session.See also: session

jam session

an informal session where musicians play together. Andy and Nick had a jam session last night and kept all the neighbors awake.See also: jam, session

rump session

a meeting held after a larger meeting. A rump session continued after the meeting was adjourned. A lot of business was conducted in the rump session.See also: rump, session

bull session

An informal discussion, as in College students love late-night bull sessions about anything and everything, from professors to poetry to politics . This expression originally referred to an exchange of opinions and anecdotes, including stories of sexual prowess, by men, and then came to be used more broadly. [Slang; c. 1915] See also: bull, session

bitch session

n. a session of complaining; an informal gripe session. (see also bitch. Usually objectionable.) We were just having a bitch session. Come on in. See also: bitch, session

bull session

n. a session of casual conversation. The gals were sitting around enjoying a bull session. See also: bull, session

rap session

n. an informal conversation session. The kids settled down for a long rap session. See also: rap, session


1. n. a drinking bout. He was just sobering up from a session with the bottle. 2. n. a marijuana-smoking session; time spent on a drug high. (Collegiate.) What a fine session that was!

bull session

An informal discussion. A bull session was originally a late-night college men's dormitory conversation with a wide range of topics—politics, sex, sports, sex, religion, sex . . . The word “bull,” which meant something boastful or outlandish, came from—no surprise here—“bullshit.”See also: bull, session



1. the meeting of a court, legislature, judicial body, etc., for the execution of its function or the transaction of business 2. a single continuous meeting of such a body 3. a series or period of such meetings 4. Educationa. the time during which classes are held b. a school or university term or year 5. Presbyterian Church the judicial and administrative body presiding over a local congregation and consisting of the minister and elders 6. a meeting of a group of musicians to record in a studio 7. See Court of Session



(1) The work period of a representative organ, international organization, scientific conference, or other body. In the USSR the session is the basic legally established work period of the soviets of people’s deputies. The mandatory minimum number of sessions and the dates are regulated by statutes of the corresponding soviets. Regular sessions of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR are called at least twice a year, and sessions of oblast and krai soviets at least four times a year.

(2) In the USSR, courts conduct circuit sessions: to increase the educational significance of a trial, a case is heard at the former place of work of the accused or the place where the crime was committed.


(networking)1. A lasting connection between a user (or useragent) and a peer, typically a server, usually involvingthe exchange of many packets between the user's computer andthe server. A session is typically implemented as a layer ina network protocol (e.g. telnet, FTP).

In the case of protocols where there is no concept of asession layer (e.g. UDP) or where sessions at the session layer are generally very short-lived (e.g. HTTP), virtualsessions are implemented by having each exchange between theuser and the remote host include some form of cookie whichstores state (e.g. a unique session ID, information about theuser's preferences or authorisation level, etc.).

See also login.

2. A lasting connection using the session layer of anetworking protocol.


(1) In communications, the active connection between a user and a computer or between two computers.

(2) Using an application program (period between starting up and quitting).

(3) One or more tracks of audio or data that were recorded at one time on a Compact Disc (CD). See multisession.



A 4-hour block of labour for a doctor in the UK, calculated for a year; a 10-session post as a consultant in paediatric haematology would be advertised as such and correspond to a 40-hour work week (37.5 hours of actual labour, taking into account lunch and other breaks). It is essentially equivalent to a 10-PA post; sessions are divided into direct clinical care (the majority) and supporting professional activities.


DRV-1118707368 (sesh′ŏn) [L. fr. sedere, to sit] A formal clinical encounter between a patient and a therapist. In psychology and psychiatry, each visit with a client constitutes a session. A meeting between the parties may have a single objective (e.g., to analyze feelings of loss or grief) or several goals (e.g., to quit smoking and increase exercise). Each chiropractic adjustment is a session, as is each whirlpool treatment provided to an injured athlete, or each visit with a speech therapist for a patient with swallowing difficulties.



The sitting of a court, legislature, council, or commission for the transaction of its proper business.

A session can be the period of time within any one day during which the body is assembled and engaged in business. In a more extended sense, the session can be the whole space of time from the first assembling of the body to its adjournment.

A joint session is the convening of the two houses of a legislative body to sit and act together as one body, instead of separately in their respective houses.

As applied to a court, the word session is not strictly synonymous with the word term. The session of a court is the time during which it actually sits each day for the transaction of judicial business. A term of a court is the period fixed by law—usually amounting to many days or weeks—during which it is open for judicial business and during which it can hold sessions from day to day. The two words are, however, frequently used interchangeably.


n. 1) a meeting (or "sitting") of a court for a particular period of time. "Session" technically means one day's business (as in "today's session"). 2) the "term" of an appeals court covering several months (as in the "Spring Term" or the "October Term")


the meeting of a court, legislature or judicial body, for the execution of its function or the transaction of business.

SESSION. The time during which a legislative body, a court or other assembly sits for the transaction of business; as, a session of congress, which commences on the day appointed by the constitution, and ends when congress finally adjourns before the commencement of the next session; the session of a court, which commences at the day appointed by law, and ends when the court finally rises a term.



  • noun

Synonyms for session

noun meeting


  • meeting
  • hearing
  • sitting
  • term
  • period
  • conference
  • congress
  • discussion
  • assembly
  • seminar
  • get-together

noun period


  • period
  • stretch
  • spell
  • time
  • bout

noun booze up


  • booze up
  • binge
  • bender
  • pub crawl
  • piss-up
  • sesh

Synonyms for session

noun a meeting for execution of a group's functions

Related Words

  • group discussion
  • conference
  • sitting
  • clinic
  • closed session
  • executive session
  • hearing
  • skull session
  • special session
  • tutorial

noun the time during which a school holds classes


  • academic session
  • academic term
  • school term

Related Words

  • academic year
  • school year
  • term
  • summer school
  • semester
  • trimester
  • quarter

noun a meeting devoted to a particular activity

Related Words

  • coming together
  • meeting
  • class period
  • course session
  • recitation

noun a meeting of spiritualists


  • seance
  • sitting

Related Words

  • spirit rapping
  • table rapping
  • table tapping
  • table lifting
  • table tilting
  • table tipping
  • table turning
  • get together
  • meeting




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