释义 |
n. | 1. | (Surg.) An operation for the repair of an injury or a defect in the walls of the urethra. |
urethroplasty [u-re´thro-plas″te] plastic repair of the urethra.u·re·thro·plas·ty (yū-rē'thrō-plas'tē), Surgical reconstruction of the urethra. [urethro- + G. plastos, formed] urethroplasty (yo͝o-rē′thrə-plăs′tē)n. Reparative or plastic surgery of the urethra.urethroplasty Urology Reconstructive surgery to create a urethra in a penis–eg, to correct injury or a birth defecturethroplasty Plastic surgical repair of the URETHRA. |