

单词 prl
释义 DictionarySeeprolactin



Proof Refinement Logic.

Versions: micro-PRL, lambda-PRL, nu-PRL.

["PRL: Proof Refinement Logic Programmer's Manual", CS Dept,Cornell, 1983].


(Preferred Roaming List) The list of service providers stored in a CDMA cellphone that the phone is roaming outside its home area. The PRL should automatically be updated by the carrier; however, it may be manually reset and updated by the customer when there are roaming connection problems. In Restrictive Mode, the phone will only acquire networks in the PRL. In Permissive Mode, the phone will acquire a network not in the list if all PRL networks are unavailable.



 [pro-lak´tin] a hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland that promotes the growth of breast tissue and stimulates and sustains milk production in postpartum mammals, and shows luteotropic activity in certain mammals. Called also lactogenic hormone and mammotropin.


Abbreviation for prolactin.


The gene on 6p22.2-p21.3 that encodes prolactin.


Abbreviation for prolactin.


PRLPerl Programming Language (filename extension)
PRLPolo Ralph Lauren
PRLPhysical Review Letters
PRLPattern Recognition Letters
PRLProlactin (medical)
PRLPrevención de Riesgos Laborales
PRLPreferred Roaming List (cellular phones)
PRLPlan Rozwoju Lokalnego (Polish: Local Development Plan)
PRLPreferred Retinal Locus (vision)
PRLPhysical Research Laboratory (India)
PRLPacket Reverb Lockout
PRLPreferred Roaming List
PRLPittsburgh Research Laboratory
PRLParti Réformateur Libéral (Belgium Liberal Reformation Party)
PRLPolska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa (Poland)
PRLPlant Research Laboratory (Michigan State University)
PRLProbabilistic Record Linkage (healthcare)
PRLPhilips Research Laboratories (IRedhill, England)
PRLPlasma Research Laboratory
PRLParcs Résidentiels de Loisirs (French: Residential Leisure Parks)
PRLPhoto Red Light (various locations)
PRLPopulation Research Laboratory (University of Alberta)
PRLPrioritized Requirements List
PRLPlagas Removal Laser (Resident Evil 4 game)
PRLPakistan Refinery Ltd
PRLPhosphate Resources Limited (Christmas Island)
PRLPhotonics Research Laboratory (University of Melbourne, Australia)
PRLProcess Readiness Level
PRLProduction Rule Language
PRLProgram Related Logistics
PRLPlaga Removal Laser
PRLPrimate Research Laboratory (part of the NIH animal research program)
PRLPost Rate Limit
PRLPort Rail Line (Hong Kong)
PRLPersonnel Research Lab
PRLProgram Requirements List
PRLProfessional Renewal Leave (LANL)
PRLPulse Rebalance Loop
PRLProgram Requirements Logic
PRLProgram Review Memorandum
PRLPublications Requirements List
PRLProgrammatic Readiness Level




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