


A0386400 (ā′prən)n.1. A garment, usually fastened in the back, worn over all or part of the front of the body to protect clothing.2. Something that resembles this garment in appearance or function, especially:a. A protective shield for a machine.b. The paved strip in front of and around airport hangars and terminal buildings.c. The part of a stage in a theater extending in front of the curtain.d. A platform, as of planking, at the entrance to a dock.e. An upper rail or carved panel extending between the legs of a piece of furniture, as beneath a tabletop or chair seat.f. A piece of horizontal trim mounted beneath an interior windowsill.g. A covering or structure along a shoreline for protection against erosion or a platform serving a similar purpose below a dam or in a sluiceway.h. An area covered by sand and gravel deposited at the front of a glacial moraine.i. A continuous conveyor belt.j. A border of slightly longer grass that surrounds a green on a golf course.k. The part of a boxing ring floor that extends beyond the ropes.tr.v. a·proned, a·pron·ing, a·prons To cover, protect, or provide with an apron.
[Middle English, from an apron, alteration of a napron, from Old French naperon, diminutive of nape, tablecloth, from Latin mappa, napkin; see map.]