Bernardo Bellotto
Bellotto, Bernardo
Born Jan. 30, 1720, in Venice; died Nov. 17, 1780, in Warsaw. Italian painter and etcher. Nephew and pupil of A. Canaletto, whose nickname he inherited.
From 1747 to 1767, Bellotto worked in Dresden, Vienna, and Munich and from 1767, in Warsaw. A master of the meticulously accurate architectural landscape, he painted views of Venice, Dresden, Warsaw, and other cities in silvery tones with spare strokes.
Fomicheva, T. D. Vidy Drezdena i Pirny: Arkhitekturnye peizazhi Bellotto. Leningrad, 1959.Fritzsche, H. A. Bernardo Bellotto genannt Canaletto. Burg [1936].
Kozakiewicz, S. Canaletto, 2nd ed. Warsaw, 1955.