Bernard Dadié
Dadié, Bernard
Born in 1916in Asini. Ivory Coast. Writer and specialist in folklore of the Ivory Coast. He writes in French.
Since 1947, Dadié has been a figure in the Rassemblement Démocratique Africain. His early revolutionary verse was written in prison (Africa Comes of Age, 1950). Later Dadie published African Legends (1954). a book of tales called The Black Bandage (1955). and the autobiographical novel Clim-bie (1956,Russian translation, 1964). The novels A Negro in Paris (1959)and New York Master (1964)are devoted to the problems of civilization. In the collections of Dadie’s mature verse Sequence of Days (1956)and especially People of All Continents (1967). the theme of internationalism predominates.
“Le rôle de la lègende dans la culture populaire des Noirs d Afn-que.” Presence Africaine. 1958, nos. 14–15.In Russian translation:
In the collection V rilmakh tam-tama. Introductory article by E. L. Gal’perina. Moscow, 1961.
In the collection Golosa afrikanskikh poetov.[Translated from English and French, Moscow, 1968.]
“Liudi mezhdu dvumia iazykami.” Inostrannaia literatura. no. 4, 1968.
“Stikhi.” Inostrannaia literatura, no. 2, 1969.
Potekhina, G. I. Ocherki sovremennoi literatury Zapadnoi Afriki. Moscow, 1968.Donat C. “B. B. Dadie.” Afrique litteraire et artistique. no. 5. 1969.