Snow Terracer

Snow Terracer


an agricultural implement used to form snow ridges in order to retain snow and accumulate moisture in cultivated fields. The working members of a snow terracer are right and left plow bottoms, each consisting of a plowshare and a cylindrical moldboard. The plowshares cut underneath the snow layer and the moldboards break up large clumps of snow and move them aside, usually setting them on edge. The ridges formed from the clumps are strong and high, exceeding the height of the snow cover by a factor of 2.5-3.5. Snow terracers are trailer-type implements operated with tractors in the 3-ton class. They plow a strip 2.6 m wide. The maximum efficiency with a distance of 10 m between ridges and an operating speed of 9.9 km/hr ranges to 10 hectares/hr.