Vasilev-Borogonskii, Sergei Stepanovich
Vasil’ev-Borogonskii, Sergei Stepanovich
Born Sept. 12 (25), 1907, in what is now the Soto village soviet, Ust’-Aldansk Raion. Soviet Yakut poet.
Vasil’ev-Borogonskii’s works were first published in 1929. The socialist construction of the Yakut countryside is reflected in his poems (Roman’s Artel, 1929, and 4 Flock of Cranes, 1935). Between 1935 and 1939 the collections of poems Megintsy on the Hill and On the Banks of the Niurba were published. During the Great Patriotic War he wrote the poems The Vow (1941), Poem About a Sabre (1943), and Glory (1943). Later Vasil’ev-Borogonskii published the poem Liberated Water (1953) and the novel in verse The Younger Son (1960).
Talïllïbït ayïmn’ïlar, vols. 1-2. Yakutsk, 1966-67.In Russian translation:
Severnye poemy. Moscow-Yakutsk, 1953.
Sviashchennyi Il’men’. Yakutsk, 1968.