Recklinghausen tumor

ad·e·no·ma·toid tu·mor

(ad'ĕ-nō'mă-toyd tū'mŏr) A small benign neoplasm of the epididymis or female genital tract, consisting of fibrous tissue enclosing glandlike spaces lined by mesothelial cells.
Synonym(s): adenofibromyoma, Recklinghausen tumor.

Recklinghausen tumor

, von Recklinghausen tumorA benign adenoleiomyofibroma on the wall of the fallopian tube or the posterior uterine wallSee also: Recklinghausen, Friedrich D. von


Friedrich Daniel von, German histologist and pathologist, 1833-1910. central Recklinghausen disease type II - congenital disorder characterized by café-au-lait spots, intertriginous freckling, iris hamartomas, and multiple skin neurofibromas.Recklinghausen disease of bone - increased osteoclastic resorption of calcified bone with replacement by fibrous tissue due to primary hyperparathyroidism or other causes of the rapid mobilization of mineral salts. Synonym(s): osteitis fibrosa cysticaRecklinghausen disease type I - Synonym(s): von Recklinghausen diseaseRecklinghausen disease type II - Synonym(s): von Recklinghausen diseaseRecklinghausen tonometerRecklinghausen tumor - a small benign tumor of the male epididymis and female genital tract. Synonym(s): adenomatoid tumorRecklinghausen-Applebaum disease - a condition of hemochromatosis.von Recklinghausen disease - two distinct major hereditary disorders: type I (neurofibromatosis type II), and central type II (neurofibromatosis type I). Synonym(s): neurofibromatosisvon Recklinghausen neurofibromatosis