Tiflis May Day Demonstration of 1901
Tiflis May Day Demonstration of 1901
a political demonstration conducted by workers on April 22 (May 5). The demonstration was organized by the Tiflis Committee of the RSDLP, which issued leaflets and appeals to workers. In an attempt to frustrate the impending demonstration, the authorities brought troops into the city and made arrests. The demonstration took place, however, with the participation of several thousand workers. The worker and Social Democrat G. P. Teliia unfurled a red banner with portraits of Marx and Engels and the slogan “Proletarians of All Countries, Unite!” in Russian, Georgian, and Armenian. The worker M. Z. Bochoridze gave a short speech, concluding with “Down with autocracy! Long live May Day!” Fighting broke out between the demonstrators and the attacking cossacks and police; 14 workers were injured and 50 were arrested.
Lenin’s newspaper lskra (no. 6, July 1901) declared the Tiflis May Day Demonstration the beginning of the open revolutionary movement in the Caucasus.