Pemberton sign

Pemberton sign

(pem'bĕr-tŏn), congestion and cyanosis of the face with distress after keeping arms elevated against sides of head; due to venous congestion induced by substernal goiter. Synonym(s): Pemberton maneuver, thyroid cork

Pemberton sign

(pem′bĕr-tŏn) [Hugh Spear Pemberton, Brit. physician, 1890–1956] Facial plethora that develops when a patient with a large substernal goiter raises his or her arms over the head. When the arms are elevated the enlarged thyroid gland compresses other structures in the neck, collapsing the jugular veins and congesting the head and neck with blood.


John de J., U.S. surgeon, 1887-1967. Pemberton sign - in patients with upper mediastinal obstruction secondary to tumor, retrosternal goiter, or lymphoma, venous congestion occurs when the arms are raised above the head.