reciprocal transfusion

re·cip·ro·cal trans·fu·sion

an attempt to confer immunity by transfusing blood taken from a donor into a receiver suffering from the same affection, the balance being maintained by transfusing an equal amount from the receiver to the donor.

reciprocal transfusion

An obsolete therapeutic modality in which equal volumes of blood were exchanged between two individuals with the purpose of removing noxious substances, or else “enhancing” the circulating elements of one without compromising the circulating volume of either.

re·cip·ro·cal trans·fu·sion

(rĕ-sip'rŏ-kăl trans-fyū'zhŭn) An attempt to confer immunity by transfusing blood taken from a donor into a receiver suffering from the same affection, the balance being maintained by transfusing an equal amount from the receiver to the donor.