a genus of acaudate amphibians of the family Pelobatidae.
The webs between the digits of the hind feet in Pelodytes are poorly developed, and the tuber calcanei is small. The pupil is a vertical slit. There are two species. P. caucasicus reaches 5 cm in length. It is found in western Transcaucasia and southern Krasnodar Krai, in the mountains up to 2,300 m above sea level and in moist, dark places near bodies of water. It is active at night. The males have a marking on the back, absent in the females, in the form of a slanted cross. During the reproductive period (all summer), the males develop pronounced horny black calluses on the two inner digits of the front feet and on the antebrachium, brachium, and thorax. These formations are lost after mating. P. punctatus is found in southwestern Europe.