Service Accommodations
Service Accommodations
in the USSR, living accommodations provided for citizens to enable them to live at their place of work or office building in connection with their professional responsibilities; for example, such accommodations are provided for street cleaners, building superintendents, and rural schoolteachers. Service accommodations are also provided for certain categories of workers in accordance with legislation of the USSR and the Union republics. The legal conditions governing such accommodations differ from those governing ordinary living accommodations, for example, such living quarters cannot be reserved, sublet, or exchanged.
A worker’s right to use service accommodations terminates with termination of employment with the organization that assigned the living quarters; after termination of employment, the worker and all persons living with him can be evicted on one month’s notice, without provision of other living accommodations. Eviction is carried out by administrative procedure with the approval of the procurator, except in the case of certain persons; for instance, disabled veterans of the Great Patriotic War, disabled workers of the first and second groups, old-age pensioners, and recipients of personal pensions can only be evicted by means of judicial proceedings and with the provision of other suitable living accommodations.