Sumner sign

Sum·ner sign

(sŭm'nĕr), a slight increase in tonus of the abdominal muscles, an early indication of inflammation of the appendix, stone in the kidney or ureter, or a twisted pedicle of an ovarian cyst; it is elicited by exceedingly gentle palpation of the right or left iliac fossa.

Sum·ner sign

(sŭm'nĕr sīn) A slight increase in tonus of the abdominal muscles, an early indication of inflammation of the appendix, stone in the kidney or ureter, or a twisted pedicle of an ovarian cyst; it is detected by exceedingly gentle palpation of the right or left iliac fossa.


Franklin W., 20th century English surgeon. Sumner sign - slight increase in tonus of the abdominal muscles, an early indication of inflammation of the appendix, stone in the kidney or ureter, or a twisted pedicle of an ovarian cyst.