

单词 run around

run around

run around

vb (intr, adverb) 1. (often foll by with) to associate habitually (with)2. to behave in a fickle or promiscuous manner n 3. informal deceitful or evasive treatment of a person (esp in the phrase give or get the run-around) 4. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) printing an arrangement of printed matter in which the column width is narrowed to accommodate an illustration
Verb1.run around - play boisterously; "The children frolicked in the garden"; "the gamboling lambs in the meadows"; "The toddlers romped in the playroom"frisk, frolic, gambol, lark, lark about, rollick, romp, skylark, cavort, disport, sportplay - be at play; be engaged in playful activity; amuse oneself in a way characteristic of children; "The kids were playing outside all day"; "I used to play with trucks as a little girl"


verb1. To move swiftly on foot so that both feet leave the ground during each stride:scamper, scurry, sprint.2. To move swiftly:bolt, bucket, bustle, dart, dash, festinate, flash, fleet, flit, fly, haste, hasten, hurry, hustle, pelt, race, rocket, rush, sail, scoot, scour, shoot, speed, sprint, tear, trot, whirl, whisk, whiz, wing, zip, zoom.Informal: hotfoot, rip.Slang: barrel, highball.Chiefly British: nip.Idioms: get a move on, get cracking, go like lightning, go like the wind, hotfoot it, make haste, make time, make tracks, run like the wind, shake a leg, step on it.3. To leave hastily:bolt, get out.Informal: clear out, get, hotfoot, skedaddle.Slang: hightail, scram, vamoose.Idioms: beat it, hightail it, hotfoot it , make tracks.4. To move or proceed away from a place.Also used with along:depart, exit, get away, get off, go, go away, leave, pull out, quit, retire, withdraw.Informal: cut out, push off, shove off.Slang: blow, split, take off.Idioms: hit the road, take leave.5. To be with as a companion.Also used with around:associate, consort, fraternize, hang around, hobnob, troop.Slang: hang out.Idiom: rub elbows.6. To look to when in need:apply, go, refer, repair, resort, turn.Idioms: fall back on, have recourse to.7. To complete a race or competition in a specified position:come in, finish, place.8. To move freely as a liquid:circulate, course, flow, stream.9. To come forth or emit in abundance:flow, gush, pour, rush, stream, surge, well.10. To change from a solid to a liquid:deliquesce, dissolve, flux, fuse, liquefy, melt, thaw.11. To proceed on a certain course or for a certain distance:carry, extend, go, lead, reach, stretch.12. To change or fluctuate within limits:extend, go, range, vary.13. To be performed:play, show.14. To urge to move along:drive, herd.15. To look for and pursue (game) in order to capture or kill it:chase, drive, hunt, stalk.16. To perform a function effectively:function, go, operate, take, work.17. To set or keep going:actuate, drive, impel, mobilize, move, propel.18. To control or direct the functioning of:manage, operate, use, work.19. To import or export secretly and illegally:bootleg, smuggle.Idiom: run contraband.20. To separate or pull apart by force:rend, rip, rive, split, tear.21. To cause to penetrate with force:dig, drive, plunge, ram, sink, stab, stick, thrust.22. To control the course of (an activity):carry on, conduct, direct, manage, operate, steer.23. To have charge of (the affairs of others):administer, administrate, direct, govern, head, manage, superintend, supervise.phrasal verb
run acrossTo find or meet by chance:bump into, chance on (or upon), come across, come on (or upon), find, happen on (or upon), light on (or upon), run into, stumble on (or upon), tumble on.Archaic: alight on (or upon).Idiom: meet up with.phrasal verb
run afterTo follow (another) with the intent of overtaking and capturing:chase, pursue.Idioms: be in pursuit, give chase.phrasal verb
run awayTo break loose and leave suddenly, as from confinement or from a difficult or threatening situation:abscond, break out, decamp, escape, flee, fly, get away.Informal: skip (out).Slang: lam.Regional: absquatulate.Idioms: blow the coop, cut and run, give someone the slip, make a getaway, take flight, take it on the lam.phrasal verb
run down1. To lose so much strength and power as to become ineffective or motionless:burn out, give out.Slang: poop out.2. To pursue and locate:hunt down, nose out, trace, track down.Idiom: run to earth.3. To think, represent, or speak of as small or unimportant:belittle, decry, denigrate, deprecate, depreciate, derogate, detract, discount, disparage, downgrade, minimize, slight, talk down.Idiom: make light of.4. To give a recapitulation of the salient facts of:abstract, epitomize, go over, recapitulate, review, run through, summarize, sum up, synopsize, wrap up.Informal: recap.phrasal verb
run in1. Slang. To take into custody as a prisoner:apprehend, arrest, seize.Informal: nab, pick up.Slang: bust, collar, pinch.2. To go to or seek out the company of in order to socialize:call, come by, come over, drop by, drop in, look in, look up, pop in, see, stop (by or in), visit.Idiom: pay a visit.phrasal verb
run into1. To find or meet by chance:bump into, chance on (or upon), come across, come on (or upon), find, happen on (or upon), light on (or upon), run across, stumble on (or upon), tumble on.Archaic: alight on (or upon).Idiom: meet up with.2. To come up against:confront, encounter, face, meet.3. To come to in number or quantity:aggregate, amount, number, reach, total.Idiom: add up to.phrasal verb
run onTo talk volubly, persistently, and usually inconsequentially:babble, blabber, chatter, chitchat, clack, jabber, palaver, prate, prattle, rattle (on).Informal: go on, spiel.Slang: gab, gas, jaw, yak.Idioms: run off at the mouth, shoot the breeze.phrasal verb
run out1. To make or become no longer active or productive:deplete, desiccate, dry up, give out, play out.2. To prove deficient or insufficient:fail, give out.Idioms: fall short, run dry, run short.3. To become void, especially through passage of time or an omission:expire, lapse.phrasal verb
run through1. To use all of:consume, drain, draw down, eat up, exhaust, expend, finish, play out, spend, use up.Informal: polish off.2. To give a recapitulation of the salient facts of:abstract, epitomize, go over, recapitulate, review, run down, summarize, sum up, synopsize, wrap up.Informal: recap.3. To look through reading matter casually:browse, dip into, flip through, glance at (or over) (or through), leaf (through), riffle (through), scan, skim, thumb (through).phrasal verb
run upTo make or become greater or larger:aggrandize, amplify, augment, boost, build, build up, burgeon, enlarge, escalate, expand, extend, grow, increase, magnify, mount, multiply, proliferate, rise, snowball, soar, swell, upsurge, wax.Informal: beef up.noun1. A trip in a motor vehicle:drive, ride.Informal: spin, whirl.2. Chiefly Regional. A small stream:brook, creek.Chiefly Regional: branch, kill.3. A hole made by tearing:rent, rip, tear.4. A number of things placed or occurring one after the other:chain, consecution, course, order, procession, progression, round, sequence, series, string, succession, suite, train.Informal: streak.

run around

run around

1. Literally, to run haphazardly or in different directions in an area. We took the kids to the park so they could run around for a couple of hours.2. Figuratively, to be exceptionally busy doing many different tasks or activities, especially in several different locations. I've been running around all afternoon getting things for Carol's party tonight. I can't wait for the weekend. I've had to run around all week getting little jobs done for my boss, and I'm exhausted!See also: around, run

run around

 1. to run here and there. Why are you running around? Sit down and be quiet. Please stop running around. You are making me nervous. 2. to go here and there having meetings or doing errands. I've been running around all day, shopping for the party tonight. I am so tired of running around, carting children to various places.See also: around, run

run around

1. Go about hurriedly here and there, as in I have been running around all day so I want to stay home tonight and relax. [Early 1900s] 2. Also, run around with. Associate or consort with socially, as in At college she began to run around with a very liberal group. [Late 1800s] 3. Be sexually unfaithful, as in She caught him running around just once too often and finally sued for divorce. [Early 1900s] See also: around, run

run around

or run roundv.1. To run in a space in many different directions: The kids ran around in the park while we relaxed.2. To be very busy doing something, especially when moving from place to place in order to do it: I've been running around getting ready for the party.3. run around after To try hurriedly to obtain or catch something or someone: How long have you been running around after that pair of shoes?4. run around with To associate or engage in activities with someone or something: I don't like the people you've been running around with—they're a bad influence!See also: around, run

run around

run around

(1) In desktop publishing, the flowing of text around a graphic image.

(2) Very often what you get when you take your computer to the store with a problem.

run around

  • verb

Synonyms for run around

verb play boisterously


  • frisk
  • frolic
  • gambol
  • lark
  • lark about
  • rollick
  • romp
  • skylark
  • cavort
  • disport
  • sport

Related Words

  • play




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