uremic frost

u·re·a frost

, uremic frostpowdery deposits on the skin, especially the face, including urea and uric acid salts, due to excretion of nitrogenous compounds in the sweat; seen in severe uremia. Synonym(s): uridrosis crystallina
A clinical finding in severe chronic renal failure, in which the concentration of urea is markedly increased in sweat, causing precipitation of crystallised urea in the skin

uremic frost

A finding in severe chronic renal failure, in which the concentration of urea is ↑↑↑ in the sweat, causing precipitation of crystallized urea in the skin. See Uremia.

u·re·a frost

, uremic frost (yūr-ē'ă frawst, -mik) Powdery deposits on the skin, especially face, due to excretion of nitrogenous compounds in sweat.