receiver operating characteristic

re·ceiv·er op·er·at·ing char·ac·ter·is·tic (ROC),

a plot of the sensitivity of a diagnostic test as a function of nonspecificity (one minus the specificity). The ROC curve indicates the intrinsic properties of a test's diagnostic performance and can be used to compare the relative merits of competing procedures.


(kar?ak-te-ris'tik) [Gr. charakteristikos, pert. to a stamp] 1. A trait or character typical of an organism or of an individual.2. In logarithmic expressions, the number to the left of the decimal point, as distinguished from the mantissa, the number to the right of the decimal point.

acquired characteristic

A trait or quality that was not inherited but is the result of environmental influence.

anal characteristic

Anal personality.

dominant characteristic

See: dominant

primary sex characteristic

An inherited trait that influences the development of the reproductive organs.

receiver operating characteristic

Receiver operating curve.

recessive characteristic

Recessive gene.

secondary sex characteristic

A gender-related physical attribute that normally develops under the influence of sex hormones at puberty. Voice quality, facial hair, and body fat distribution are examples.

sex-conditioned characteristic

A genetic trait carried by both sexes but expressed or inhibited by the sex of the individual.

sex-limited characteristic

A trait present in only one sex even though the gene responsible is present in both sexes.

sex-linked characteristic

A trait controlled by genes on the sex chromosomes. The X and Y chromosomes determine sex but also carry genes unrelated to sex. Synonym: sex-linked gene