Acronym | Definition |
SNIM➣Sistema Nacional de Informacion e Integracion de Mercados (Galician: National Information System and Market Integration; Mexico) |
SNIM➣Sistema Nacional de Información Municipal (Spanish: National System of Municipal Information; Mexico) |
SNIM➣Société Nationale Industrielle et Minière (French; Mauritania) |
SNIM➣Scanning Near-Field Infrared Microscope (imaging) |
SNIM➣Saheed Nurul Islam Mahavidyalaya (Indian educational organization) |
SNIM➣Scottish News in Minnesota (newsletter) |
SNIM➣Simultaneous Noise and Impedance Matching (amplifiers) |
SNIM➣Stabilized Non-Immunogenic Messenger (RNA) |
SNIM➣Software, Networks, Information and Modeling and Simulation |
SNIM➣Simultaneous Noise and Input Matching |