serum accelerator globulin

se·rum ac·cel·er·a·tor glob·u·lin

a substance in serum that accelerates the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin in the presence of thromboplastin and calcium; produced by the action of traces of thrombin on plasma accelerator globulin.

se·rum ac·cel·er·a·tor glob·u·lin

(sēr'ŭm ak-sel'ĕr-ā-tŏr glob'yū-lin) A substance in serum that accelerates the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin in the presence of thromboplastin and calcium.

se·rum ac·cel·er·a·tor glob·u·lin

(sēr'ŭm ak-sel'ĕr-ā-tŏr glob'yū-lin) A substance in serum that accelerates the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin in the presence of thromboplastin and calcium.