Association for Computing

Association for Computing

(body)(ACM, before 1997 - "Association for ComputingMachinery") The largest and oldest international scientificand educational computer society in the industry. Founded in1947, only a year after the unveiling of ENIAC, ACM wasestablished by mathematicians and electrical engineers toadvance the science and application of Information Technology. John Mauchly, co-inventor of the ENIAC, wasone of ACM's founders.

Since its inception ACM has provided its members and the worldof computer science a forum for the sharing of knowledge ondevelopments and achievements necessary to the fruitfulinterchange of ideas.

ACM has 90,000 members - educators, researchers,practitioners, managers, and engineers - who drive theAssociation's major programs and services - publications,special interest groups, chapters, conferences, awards, andspecial activities.

The ACM Press publishes journals (notably CACM), bookseries, conference proceedings, CD-ROM, hypertext,video, and specialized publications such as curricularecommendations and self-assessment procedures.