talipes varus

tal·i·pes va'·rus

inversion of the foot, the outer side of the sole only touching the ground; usually some degree of talipes equinus is associated with it, and often talipes cavus. Synonym(s): pes adductus, pes varus
A foot deformity of childhood, which is characterised by medial rotation of the forefoot—metatarsus varus—and medial tibial or femoral torsion; the deformities require surgery

talipes varus

Orthopedics A type of clubfoot–talipes in which the foot is inverted with the load bearing falling on the lateral border. See Clubfoot.

tal·i·pes va·rus

(tal'i-pēz vā'rŭs) Inversion of the foot, the outer side of the sole only touching the ground; usually some degree of talipes equinus is associated with it, and often talipes cavus.