

单词 sneak



S0508900 (snēk)v. sneaked or snuck (snŭk), sneak·ing, sneaks v.intr.1. To go or move in a quiet, stealthy way.2. To behave in a cowardly or servile manner.v.tr. To move, give, take, or put in a quiet, stealthy manner: sneak candy into one's mouth; sneaked a look at the grade sheet.n.1. A person regarded as stealthy, cowardly, or underhanded.2. An instance of sneaking; a quiet, stealthy movement.3. Informal A sneaker.adj.1. Carried out in a clandestine manner: sneak preparations for war.2. Perpetrated without warning: a sneak attack.
[Probably akin to Middle English sniken, to creep, from Old English snīcan.]Usage Note: Snuck is an Americanism first introduced in the 1800s as a nonstandard regional variant of sneaked. Snuck probably arose in imitation of the pattern set by stick/stuck and strike/struck. Widespread use of snuck in the United States has become more common with every generation. It is now used by educated speakers in all regions and was acceptable to 75 percent of the Usage Panel in our 2008 survey. This stands in marked contrast to the 67 percent that disapproved of snuck twenty years earlier. The more traditional form sneaked, which predominates in British English, is fully acceptable as well, with 90 percent approving it in 2008.


(sniːk) vb1. (intr; often foll by along, off, in, etc) to move furtively2. (intr) to behave in a cowardly or underhand manner3. (tr) to bring, take, or put stealthily4. (intr) informal chiefly Brit to tell tales (esp in schools)5. (tr) informal to steal6. (intr; foll by off, out, away, etc) informal to leave unobtrusivelyn7. a person who acts in an underhand or cowardly manner, esp as an informer8. a. a stealthy act or movementb. (as modifier): a sneak attack. 9. informal Brit an unobtrusive departure[Old English snīcan to creep; from Old Norse snīkja to hanker after] ˈsneaky adj ˈsneakily adv ˈsneakiness n



v. sneaked or snuck, sneak•ing,
n., adj. v.i. 1. to go in a stealthy or furtive manner; slink; skulk. 2. to act in a furtive or underhand way. v.t. 3. to move, put, pass, etc., in a stealthy or furtive manner: He sneaked the gun into his pocket. 4. to do, take, or have hurriedly or surreptitiously: to sneak a cigarette. n. 5. a sneaking, underhand, or contemptible person. 6. a stealthy or furtive departure. 7. sneaker (def. 1). adj. 8. stealthy; surreptitious: a sneak raid. [1590–1600; obscurely akin to Middle English sniken, Old English snīcan to creep, c. Old Norse snīkja to hanker after] syn: See lurk. usage: First recorded in writing near the end of the 19th century in the U.S., snuck has become in recent decades a standard variant past tense and past participle: Bored by the lecture, we snuck out the side door. snuck occurs frequently in fiction, in journalism, and on radio and television, whereas sneaked is more likely in highly formal or belletristic writing. snuck is the only spoken past tense and past participle for many younger and middle-aged persons of all educational levels in the U.S. and Canada. It has occasionally been considered nonstandard but is so widely used by professional writers and educated speakers that it can no longer be so regarded.


Past participle: sneaked
Gerund: sneaking
I sneak
you sneak
he/she/it sneaks
we sneak
you sneak
they sneak
I sneaked
you sneaked
he/she/it sneaked
we sneaked
you sneaked
they sneaked
Present Continuous
I am sneaking
you are sneaking
he/she/it is sneaking
we are sneaking
you are sneaking
they are sneaking
Present Perfect
I have sneaked
you have sneaked
he/she/it has sneaked
we have sneaked
you have sneaked
they have sneaked
Past Continuous
I was sneaking
you were sneaking
he/she/it was sneaking
we were sneaking
you were sneaking
they were sneaking
Past Perfect
I had sneaked
you had sneaked
he/she/it had sneaked
we had sneaked
you had sneaked
they had sneaked
I will sneak
you will sneak
he/she/it will sneak
we will sneak
you will sneak
they will sneak
Future Perfect
I will have sneaked
you will have sneaked
he/she/it will have sneaked
we will have sneaked
you will have sneaked
they will have sneaked
Future Continuous
I will be sneaking
you will be sneaking
he/she/it will be sneaking
we will be sneaking
you will be sneaking
they will be sneaking
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been sneaking
you have been sneaking
he/she/it has been sneaking
we have been sneaking
you have been sneaking
they have been sneaking
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been sneaking
you will have been sneaking
he/she/it will have been sneaking
we will have been sneaking
you will have been sneaking
they will have been sneaking
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been sneaking
you had been sneaking
he/she/it had been sneaking
we had been sneaking
you had been sneaking
they had been sneaking
I would sneak
you would sneak
he/she/it would sneak
we would sneak
you would sneak
they would sneak
Past Conditional
I would have sneaked
you would have sneaked
he/she/it would have sneaked
we would have sneaked
you would have sneaked
they would have sneaked
Noun1.sneak - a person who is regarded as underhanded and furtive and contemptibledisagreeable person, unpleasant person - a person who is not pleasant or agreeable
2.sneak - someone who prowls or sneaks aboutsneak - someone who prowls or sneaks about; usually with unlawful intentionsprowler, stalkerinterloper, intruder, trespasser - someone who intrudes on the privacy or property of another without permission
3.sneak - someone acting as an informer or decoy for the policecanary, fink, snitch, stool pigeon, stoolie, stoolpigeon, snitcher, sneakerbetrayer, blabber, informer, squealer, rat - one who reveals confidential information in return for money
Verb1.sneak - to go stealthily or furtively; "..stead of sneaking around spying on the neighbor's house"mouse, pussyfoot, creepwalk - use one's feet to advance; advance by steps; "Walk, don't run!"; "We walked instead of driving"; "She walks with a slight limp"; "The patient cannot walk yet"; "Walk over to the cabinet"slip away, sneak away, sneak off, sneak out, steal away - leave furtively and stealthily; "The lecture was boring and many students slipped out when the instructor turned towards the blackboard"
2.sneak - put, bring, or take in a secretive or furtive manner; "sneak a look"; "sneak a cigarette"act, move - perform an action, or work out or perform (an action); "think before you act"; "We must move quickly"; "The governor should act on the new energy bill"; "The nanny acted quickly by grabbing the toddler and covering him with a wet towel"
3.sneak - make off with belongings of otherssneak - make off with belongings of others cabbage, filch, pilfer, purloin, snarf, swipe, abstract, nobble, pinch, hook, liftsteal - take without the owner's consent; "Someone stole my wallet on the train"; "This author stole entire paragraphs from my dissertation"
4.sneak - pass on stealthily; "He slipped me the key when nobody was looking"sliphand, pass on, turn over, pass, reach, give - place into the hands or custody of; "hand me the spoon, please"; "Turn the files over to me, please"; "He turned over the prisoner to his lawyers"
Adj.1.sneak - marked by quiet and caution and secrecy; taking pains to avoid being observed; "a furtive manner"; "a sneak attack"; "stealthy footsteps"; "a surreptitious glance at his watch"furtive, stealthy, surreptitious, sneakyconcealed - hidden on any grounds for any motive; "a concealed weapon"; "a concealed compartment in his briefcase"


verb1. slink, slip, steal, creep, ghost, pad, tiptoe, sidle, skulk Don't sneak away and hide.2. slip, smuggle, spirit He snuck me a cigarette.3. snatch, steal, do something furtively or stealthily She sneaked a look at her watch.noun1. informer, grass (Brit. slang), betrayer, telltale, squealer (slang), Judas, accuser, stool pigeon, snake in the grass, nark (Brit., Austral., & N.Z. slang) He is disloyal, distrustful and a sneak.adjective1. secret, quick, clandestine, furtive, stealthy We can give you this exclusive sneak preview.sneak up on something or someone creep up on, take by surprise, tiptoe up on I managed to sneak up on him.


verb1. To move silently and furtively:creep, glide, lurk, mouse, prowl, pussyfoot, skulk, slide, slink, slip, snake, steal.Slang: gumshoe.2. To bring in or take out secretly:smuggle, spirit.nounOne who behaves in a stealthy, furtive way:prowler, sneaker, weasel.


(sniːk) verb1. to go quietly and secretly, especially for a dishonest purpose. He must have sneaked into my room when no-one was looking and stolen the money. 潛行 潜行2. to take secretly. He sneaked the letter out of her drawer. noun a mean, deceitful person, especially a telltale. 鬼鬼祟祟的人 鬼鬼祟祟的人ˈsneakers noun plural soft shoes with soles made of rubber, rope etc. He was wearing blue jeans and sneakers. 休閒鞋 软底鞋,球鞋 ˈsneaking adjective (of a feeling) slight but not easy to suppress. She knew he was wicked but she had a sneaking admiration for his courage. 卑怯的,畏縮的 暗中的,卑怯的,畏缩的 ˈsneaky adjectiveIt was a bit sneaky of him to tell the teacher about me. 鬼鬼祟祟的 鬼鬼祟祟的ˈsneakiness noun 鬼祟 鬼祟


sneak preview

A viewing or attendance of something before it is ready to be shown or released to the general public. Film journalists across the state were invited to a sneak preview of the new blockbuster in Hollywood. During the interview, I was given a sneak preview of the latest sculpture she's been working on.See also: preview, sneak

sneak in(to some place)

To enter some place in a quiet, sneaky, inconspicuous, or furtive manner. The burglar snuck in without making a sound. Marty came sneaking into the classroom, late as usual.See also: sneak

sneak out (of some place)

To exit some place in a quiet, sneaky, inconspicuous, or furtive manner. I managed to sneak out of the room without the teacher noticing me. I'll have to wait until my parents are asleep before I can sneak out can come meet you.See also: out, sneak

sneak away (from some place)

To leave, depart, or move away from some place in a quiet, sneaky, inconspicuous, or furtive manner. I snuck away from the party when things started getting so rowdy. I'll distract them so you have a chance to sneak away.See also: away, sneak

sneak around

1. To move around (some place) in a quiet, sneaky, inconspicuous, or furtive manner. Why are you sneaking around the back yard like that? Are you trying to hide something? I hate sneaking around like this, but I don't want Sarah to know what I'm planning for her birthday.2. To move past or attempt to move past someone or something in a sneaky, furtive manner so as not to be noticed. We need to get into that warehouse, but I don't know how we're going to sneak around those guards.3. To bypass or attempt to bypass the control or authority of some person, group, or thing. The giant corporation has been accused of sneaking around local and international tax laws through the use of illegal shell companies in tax havens around the world. They've been sneaking around the approval of the board with their research.See also: around, sneak

sneak the sunrise past a rooster

To do something that is extremely difficult or nearly impossible. Primarily heard in US. Getting a shot past this talented goal keeper has been like sneaking the sunrise past a rooster for the opposing team.See also: past, rooster, sneak

sneak up (on someone or something)

To approach someone or something in a sneaky, furtive manner so as not to be noticed. Don't sneak up on me like that—you frightened the life out of me! We don't want the guards to see us, so we'll need to sneak up from the back.See also: sneak, someone, up

sneak up to (someone or something)

To creep up to or alongside someone or something in a secretive or inconspicuous manner so as not to be seen or noticed. I snuck up to the window to see what was going on inside the building. She snuck up to the man and slipped a note into his bag.See also: sneak, up


slang A shortening of "sneakers." My parents thought it was a little classless wearing sneaks on my wedding day, but I told them they were just too old-fashioned. Hey, watch the sneaks, man! I just bought them!See also: sneak

sneak around (some place)

to move about a place in a sneaky or stealthy fashion. Please don't sneak around the house. It makes me nervous. Please stop sneaking around!See also: around, sneak

sneak around someone or something

 1. Lit. to creep around or past someone or something. The cat sneaked around Molly and ran out the door. We had to sneak around the corner so we wouldn't be seen. 2. Fig. to circumvent the control or censorship of someone or some group. I think we can sneak around the board of directors and authorize this project ourselves. Yes, let's sneak around the board.See also: around, sneak

sneak away (from some place)

to go away from a place quietly and in secret. Jeff tried to sneak away from the party, but Judy saw him. They sneaked away together.See also: away, sneak

sneak in(to some place)

to enter a place quietly and in secret, perhaps without a ticket or permission. The kids tried to sneak into the rock concert, but they were stopped by the guards. Never try to sneak in. Sometimes they arrest you for trespassing.See also: sneak

sneak out (of some place)

to go out of a place quietly and in secret. I sneaked out of the meeting, hoping no one would notice. Jamie saw me and sneaked out with me.See also: out, sneak

sneak up on someone or something

to approach someone or something quietly and in secret. Please don't sneak up on me like that. I sneaked up on the cake, hoping no one would see me. someone did.See also: on, sneak, up

sneak up to someone or something

to move close to someone or something quietly and in secret. I sneaked up to Don and scared him to death. Don sneaked up to the punch bowl and helped himself before the party began.See also: sneak, up

sneak preview

An advance showing of something, as in It was supposed to be bad luck but she gave the bridegroom a sneak preview of her wedding gown . This expression originated in the 1930s for a single public showing of a motion picture before its general release, and in succeeding decades was transferred to other undertakings. See also: preview, sneak

a ˌsneak ˈpreview

an opportunity to look at or watch something, for example a book or a film/movie, before it is shown to the public: She gave me a sneak preview of her latest painting.See also: preview, sneak

sneak around

v.1. To move or operate in some place furtively or surreptitiously: The security guard caught the thief sneaking around the office after closing. 2. To do something without someone's knowledge, especially to engage in romantic relationships: I suspect her husband has been sneaking around. I think his wife was sneaking around on him.See also: around, sneak

sneak up

v.1. To move or operate furtively or surreptitiously toward someone: The thief sneaked up behind the tourists and stole their luggage.2. sneak up on To approach suddenly and surprisingly: The first day of spring sneaked up on me and I still hadn't gone skiing yet. Don't sneak up on me like that!See also: sneak, up


n. a sneak preview of a movie. There was a good sneak at the Granada last night.


n. sneakers. She wore red sneaks and a mini. See also: sneak

sneak the sunrise past a rooster

Attempt something that's impossible, or be slick enough to do something by stealth. This predominantly Southern expression was famously used by California Angels first baseman Joe Adock, who said that “trying to sneak a pitch past [Atlanta Braves hitting great] Hank Aaron is like trying to sneak the sunrise past a rooster.”See also: past, rooster, sneak


SNEAKSnarkles.Net Encryption Assortment Kit
SNEAKSouthern New England Agility Klub (Connecticut)


Related to sneak: sneak out
  • all
  • verb
  • noun
  • adj
  • phrase

Synonyms for sneak

verb slink


  • slink
  • slip
  • steal
  • creep
  • ghost
  • pad
  • tiptoe
  • sidle
  • skulk

verb slip


  • slip
  • smuggle
  • spirit

verb snatch


  • snatch
  • steal
  • do something furtively or stealthily

noun informer


  • informer
  • grass
  • betrayer
  • telltale
  • squealer
  • Judas
  • accuser
  • stool pigeon
  • snake in the grass
  • nark

adj secret


  • secret
  • quick
  • clandestine
  • furtive
  • stealthy

phrase sneak up on something or someone


  • creep up on
  • take by surprise
  • tiptoe up on

Synonyms for sneak

verb to move silently and furtively


  • creep
  • glide
  • lurk
  • mouse
  • prowl
  • pussyfoot
  • skulk
  • slide
  • slink
  • slip
  • snake
  • steal
  • gumshoe

verb to bring in or take out secretly


  • smuggle
  • spirit

noun one who behaves in a stealthy, furtive way


  • prowler
  • sneaker
  • weasel

Synonyms for sneak

noun a person who is regarded as underhanded and furtive and contemptible

Related Words

  • disagreeable person
  • unpleasant person

noun someone who prowls or sneaks about


  • prowler
  • stalker

Related Words

  • interloper
  • intruder
  • trespasser

noun someone acting as an informer or decoy for the police


  • canary
  • fink
  • snitch
  • stool pigeon
  • stoolie
  • stoolpigeon
  • snitcher
  • sneaker

Related Words

  • betrayer
  • blabber
  • informer
  • squealer
  • rat

verb to go stealthily or furtively


  • mouse
  • pussyfoot
  • creep

Related Words

  • walk
  • slip away
  • sneak away
  • sneak off
  • sneak out
  • steal away

verb put, bring, or take in a secretive or furtive manner

Related Words

  • act
  • move

verb make off with belongings of others


  • cabbage
  • filch
  • pilfer
  • purloin
  • snarf
  • swipe
  • abstract
  • nobble
  • pinch
  • hook
  • lift

Related Words

  • steal

verb pass on stealthily


  • slip

Related Words

  • hand
  • pass on
  • turn over
  • pass
  • reach
  • give

adj marked by quiet and caution and secrecy


  • furtive
  • stealthy
  • surreptitious
  • sneaky

Related Words

  • concealed




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